Page 73 - The Arrogance of Satan
P. 73
rom the stories Allah relates in the Qur' an, we
understand that those who reject the messengers,
F harbour profound hostility towards them, and carry
on the bitterest struggle against them, are a people who are,
according to the language of the Qur' an, called the "the
chiefs of the nation." Their most characteristic feature is their
arrogance. A number of verses revealing this fact are as
The chiefs of his people who were arrogant said to those
who were oppressed-those among them who believed-"Do
you know that Salih has been sent from his Lord?" They said,
"We believe in what he has been sent with."
Those who were arrogant said, "We reject Him in whom
you believe." (Surat al-A' raf: 75-76)
The chiefs of his people who were arrogant said, "We
will drive you out of our city, Shu' ayb, you and those
who believe along with you, unless you return to our
religion." He (Shu' ayb) said, "What, even though we
detest it?" (Surat al-A' raf: 88)