Page 78 - The Arrogance of Satan
P. 78

                                  THE ARROGANCE OF SATAN

                  what your fathers used to worship."... (Surah Saba' : 43)

                  Another refrain common to the arrogant is "the religion of
              fathers." They feel very certain of the righteousness of their
              fathers and forefathers. This is undoubtedly merely a
              perversion resulting from arrogance. Considering their
              ancestry, traditions and cultural heritage superior, they reject
              submitting to a messenger though he is in all ways wiser.
              This is a consistent error common to such people:
                  Similarly We never sent any warner before you to any
                  city without the affluent among them saying, "We
                  found our fathers following a religion and we are
                  simply following in their footsteps." Say: "What if I

                  have come with better guidance than what you found
                  your fathers following?" They say, "We reject what you
                  have been sent with." (Surat az-Zukhruf: 23-24)

                  They Do Not Comply With Allah' s Book

                  The arrogant are unwilling to comply with Allah' s book.
              Their unrelenting desire to be superior accounts for this
              tendency. They are so certain of themselves that they never
              assume that they may be on the wrong path. They falsely
              maintain that, if there is a right path, it is the one to which
              they adhere:
                  Those who are disbelievers say of those who believe, "If
                  there was any good in it, they would not have beaten us
                  to it." And since they have not been guided by it, they
                  are bound to say, "This is an antiquated falsehood."
                  (Surat al-Ahqaf: 11)
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