Page 197 - Darwin'i Yıkan Kafatasları
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               7- N. Eldredge and I. Tattersall,  The Myths of Human
               Evolution, Columbia University Press, 1982, s.59
               8- S. J. Gould, 'Cordelia's Dilemma', Natural History, fiubat, s.
               9- Henry Gee,  In Search of Deep Time, Cornell University
               Press, Ithaca, 1999, s. 1-2
               10- Derek A. Ager,  "The Nature of the Fossil Record",
               Proceedings of the British Geological Association, cilt 87,
               1976, s. 133
               11- Mark Czarnecki, "The Revival of the Creationist Crusade",
               MacLean's, 19 Ocak 1981, s. 56
               12- N. Eldredge, and I. Tattersall,  The Myths of Human
               Evolution, Columbia University Press, 1982, s. 45-46
               13- George G., Simpson,  "Tempo and Mode in Evolution",
               Columbia University Press, New York, 1944, p. 105, 107
               14- Francis Darwin,  The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin,
               Cilt.II, New York:D. Appleton and Company, 1888, s. 128
               15- S. M. Stanley,  The New Evolutionary Timetable: Fossils,
               Genes, and the Origin of Species, Basic Books, Inc., Publishers,
               N.Y., 1981, s. 71
               16-  The Evolution Wars, Michael Ruse, Rutgers University
               Press, 2000, s. 23
               17- Hoimar Von Ditfurth, Dinozorlar›n Sessiz Gecesi 2, Alan
               Yay›nc›l›k, Kas›m 1996, ‹stanbul, Çev: Veysel Atayman, s. 22
               18- N. Eldredge and I. Tattersall,The Myths of Human
               Evolution, Columbia University Press, 1982, s.59
               19- Dr. Edmund J. Ambrose,  The Nature and Origin of the
               Biological World, John Wiley & Sons, 1982, p. 164
               20-  Colin  Patterson,  Evolution,  1999,  s.  106  -
               21- Schwartz, Jeffrey H., Sudden Origins, 1999, s. 89
               22- David M. Raup, Conflicts Between Darwin and Paleonto-
               logy, Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin, Vol. 50, No. 1,
               Ocak, 1979, s. 25
               23- R. Wesson,  Beyond Natural Selection, MIT Press,
               Cambridge, MA, 1991, s. 45
               24- Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, s. 172, 280
               25- S. M. Stanley,  The New Evolutionary Timetable: Fossils,
               Genes, and the Origin of Species, Basic Books Inc. Publishers,
               N.Y., 1981, s.71
               26- Richard E. Leakey, The Making of Mankind, London, 1981,
               s. 43
               27- E.R. Leach; Nature, 293:19, 1981
               28- L.D.Sunderland,  Darwin's Enigma: Fossils and Other
               Problems, 4. Baskı, Master Books, 1988, 10 Nisan 1979 tarihli
               29- Stephen Jay Gould,  Life's Grandeur, Vintage, London,
               1996, s. 212
               30- Richard L. & Christina E. Kleiss,  A Closer Look at the
               Evidence, Search for the Truth Publications, Mart 2004, s.
               January 26

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