Page 22 - Order of Funeral Service
P. 22
In loving Memory Madam Agnes Osei-Bediako
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Tribute - Rita Acquaah
“I am the resurrection. I am life. Everyone who believes in me will have life, even if they die. 26 And everyone who lives and believes
in me will never really die.” (John 11: 25-26)
In everything, there is a time and a season. A time to be born, a time to live and a time to die.
Auntie Aggie, you not only took on the responsibility to support my mother when she had no one else; but you also made it a point
to support her children (Nana Yaw and myself) as your own. How could I ever thank you enough?
Dearest auntie, memories of your limitless and nurturing love for me will remain vivid in my mind forever. You were deeply driven
to lovingly and constantly care for and provide for all your nephews and nieces without discrimination. Everyone of us has personally
benefited from your generosity, which knew no bounds.
Yes, you faced some of life’s very toughest challenges, but they were no match for you and would not impact on your quest to be
there for us in anyway you could.
From the bottom of my heart, I fully appreciate the lengths you went to ensure I got all I needed whenever I knocked at your door
(N19, Community 4). In fact, your life teaches me that indeed adversity, no matter how tough, is no match for perseverance,
endurance and love.
You were the very embodiment of humility, patience and grace, seldom exhibiting indignation or frustration and steering clear of
Much as I still find your departure inconsolable, your work on earth is now over and I know, as a committed Christian, you are
definitely in a better place with the Lord, where you belong. I know you will continue to watch over all of us.
Auntie, thank you for being my other mother. You indeed emptied yourself to your nephews and nieces; you have fought your fight,
run your race, and now your work on earth has ended.
Sweet aunty, how can I ever forget you? Today God has given me the opportunity to write and read out my last letter to you, this is
not how I planned it, but I console myself knowing that the Lord has the best plan for you…. goodbye my sweet aunty.
Your legacy lives forever on earth and in our hearts. Auntie da yie…