Page 9 - Order of Funeral Service
P. 9

In loving Memory Madam Agnes Osei-Bediako
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                 5.  His    oath,    His    covenant,     His    blood                            3.  The         hill       of        Zion         yields
                     Support    me     in    the    whelming      flood                               A         thousand           sacred          sweets
                     When all  around my soul gives  way                                              Before we reach  the heavenly fields,  (2*)
                     He then is all my Hope and Stay                                                  Or walk the golden streets. (2*)

                 6.  When He shall  come with trumpet sound                                       4.  Then        let      our       songs       abound,
                     Oh, may I then, in Him be found                                                  And         every        tear         be        dry;
                     Dressed     in    His    righteousness,     alone                                We’re marching through Immanuel’s ground (2*)
                     Faultless to stand before the throne
                                                                                                      To fairer worlds on high. (2*)

                    MOP.10. WE’RE MARCHING TO ZION

                 1.  Come,      we     that    love     the     Lord,
                    And      let     our     joys     be      known;
                    Join in a song  with sweet accord,
                    And      thus      surround      the     throne.

                    We’re          marching          to         Zion,
                    Beautiful,             beautiful            Zion;
                    We’re      marching      upward      to     Zion,
                    The beautiful city of God.

                  2.  Let      those       refuse       to      sing,
                     Who        never       knew       our      God;
                     But  children of  the heavenly King (2*)
                     May speak their joys abroad (2*)
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