Page 14 - Order of Funeral Service
P. 14

In loving Memory Madam Agnes Osei-Bediako
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                 Tribute Patience Brempong

                 We will lift up our eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh our help, our help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and

                 He will not suffer our foot to be moved: he that keepeth us will not slumber.

                 Behold, he that keepeth us shall neither slumber nor sleep.  The LORD is our keeper: the LORD is our shade upon our right hand.
                 The sun shall not smite us by day, nor the moon by night.

                 The LORD shall preserve us from all evil: he shall preserve our soul.  The LORD shall preserve our going out and our coming in from
                 this time forth, and even for evermore.  (Psalm 121: 1-8)

                 We wake up each morning to start a new day but the pain of losing our dear Auntie never goes away.  It is difficult to accept that

                 our beloved aunt is no more.  A vacuum which can never be filled physically, though in spirit the good Lord knows how!

                 Today we are celebrating your life, we can never forget all the good things you did for us all.  I do wonder if we will ever find
                 anyone to take your place!  You left a hollow no one can ever fill halfway.

                 When our grandfather died, you worked very hard to take care of your mother and other siblings.  You were a role model, and now

                 we can proudly say that you left footprints in the sand of time.

                 Auntie you were calm even when a situation seemed unbearable.  Admittedly, we have lost a precious jewel; if death were
                 stoppable, we would have kept it from coming your way.

                 Fare thee well auntie Ama. You fought a good fight and won the race.  You left a legacy that will be read through the generations,
                 current and to come.  You left a mark in our hearts, and nothing will ever erase.  It is indelible in our hearts.

                 Surely auntie, our love for you will forever remain.

                 Auntie Aggie, Mo Waye Bi

                 Rest in Perfect Peace.
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