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Inside the cat and dog meat market   Bosintang (soup)  mixed  with  spices  and  veg-  of garlic, a little amount of pepper,
                                                             leek, perilla leaves
 in China  Dog  Soup  is  called,  Gaejang,  Ga-             Sauce:  It  can  be  enjoyed  at  one’s
     jangkuk,  or  Gujang,  Gujangaeng,     Eat  while  boiling  to  boil  down   taste with the addition of mixture of
 Dogs bark and whine behind high  America. The Chinese government  name. “The kind raised for eating,   Guyoukgeng.  It  has  been  called   some of the soup. Add lots of dog   soy  bean  paste,  sesame  oil,  perilla
 chain-link  fences,  some  of  them  has signaled a willingness to take  we can eat those.”  Bosintang  from  the  later  part  of   meat  and  ingredients.  Vegetables   oil, or with salt on it.
 gnawing  the  wire  so  hard  they  the meat off the market. To avoid   1940,but  during  the  period  of  the   such  as  dropwort,  perilla  leaves,
 bleed  at  the  mouths  while  cats  upsetting  international  visitors   Many of the dogs and cats sold for   1988 Olympic games, it was banned   green onion and other ingredients  Cooking  instructions:  Put  dog

 packed into crowded cages cower  during  the  Beijing  Olympics,  of-  meat are specially raised on farms.   to use the name of Bosintang, so its   such  as  garlic,  pepper,  and  red  meat  and  gravy  and  ingredients
                                                             into pan, and steam it with a weak
 in fear if anyone approaches.  ficials  ordered  dog  meat  off  the   But  Chang  said  there  is  always  a   name was replaced by Youngyang-  pepper are put in. It can be served   fire,  eat  with  sauce.  One  can  eat
 menus at local markets. Officials in   chance  they’re  someone’s  lost  or   tang,  Sacheoltang,  Mungmung-  for a side dish with Soju (liquor) or   with  boiled-leek.  Perilla  powder,
 This isn’t a pet store -- it’s a meat   Guangzhou  have  warned  vendors   stolen pet.  for eating boiled rice. After eating,
 market  in  Guangzhou,  a  city  in   to stop selling it ahead of the Asian   tang.  But  nowadays,  the  name  of   boiled rice can be mixed with the   perilla oil, mustard, vinegar are to
                                                             be added to the sauce.
 southern China where eating cats   Games  which  will  be  held  there   In anticipation of the new ban, dog   Bosintang is widely used instead of   remaining soup.
 and  dogs  is  common  practice.  At   later this year.  and cat meat has become more dif-  Youngyangtang. Bosintang is made
 the  Han  River  Dog  Meat  Restau-  ficult to find, though some vendors   by boiling dog meat with thin soy  Ingredients:  200g  of  boiled  dog  Duruchigi(mixture  with
 rant  in  central  Guangzhou,  din-  “Dog  meat  is  good  for   say they will keep selling it as long   paste, tearing it into pieces, putting  meat,  150g  of  gravy,  50g  of  green  seasonings)
 ers can choose from a long list of   as they can.  ingredients  such  as  green  onion,  onion, 50g of leek, 40g of dropwort,   It  is  a  food  made  by  mixing  dog
                                 20g of perilla
 menu  items,  including  dog  soup,  your health and metab-  “The  legislation  will  definitely  af-  leek, stalk of taro, brake into broth,   meat  with  seasonings  and  veg-
 dog steak, dog with tofu and more.   fect our restaurant,” said Li. “We’ll   and boiling it again to make Bosin-  Sauce: 3g of salt, 5g of perilla, 10g   etables,  and  boiling  and  roasting
 In  the  kitchen,  the  chef  chops  up  olism,”  explains  Li,  the   just wait to see the result.”  tang.  In  Kyungsang  province,  to  of mashed garlic, 2g of red pepper, a   them.  When  eating  Duruchigi,
 meat  for  dog  hot  pot,  one  of  the   get rid of the smell, perilla purple  little amount of pepper.  Soju(liquor)  is  usually  accompa-
 more popular dishes. Most custom-  hostess who declined to   And  it  seems  restaurants  don’t   are  put  in  the  soup.    Perilla  are   Cooking  Instructions:  Eat  while  nied for its taste.
 ers like it spicy.  necessarily  need  to  change  their   also  used  for  ridding  the  smell.   boiling  the  soup,  dog  meat,  gravy,
 give her first name.  menus  anytime  soon.  According   Taste of perilla is similar to that of   vegetables and other ingredients in   Ingredients:  200g  of  boiled  dog
 “Dog meat is good for your health   to  the  Chinese  Academy  of  Social   dog, and it becomes a good match   a pan. If it is excessively boiled, the   meat,  20ml  of  gravy,  50g  of  green
 and metabolism,” explains Li, the   The  ban  on  eating  dog  and  cat   Sciences,  the  law  prohibiting  cat   to  dog  meat.  Side  dishes  of  dog  color of vegetables can be changed,   onion, 50g of leek, 40g of dropwort,

 hostess  who  declined  to  give  her   meat is part of a larger proposal to   and  dog  meat  could  take  as  long   meat  are  Kimchi,  fresh  peppers,  deteriorating the taste of the soup.   20g of perilla  leave, a little pepper,
 first name. “In the summer it helps   toughen  laws  on  animal  welfare.   as a decade to pass. Until then it’s   and cucumbers. Adding a glass of  So once it is boiled, cooking over a   5g  of  perilla  oil,  1g  of  salt,  2g  of
 you sweat.”  Individual violators could face up   a  la  carte,  from  the  cage  into  the   Soju(liquor) enhances the taste.  weak fire,begin eating.  mashed garlic, 2g of mashed ginger,
                                                             2g of red pepper
 But  these  local  restaurants  may   to  15  days  in  prison  and  a  small   kitchen.  Ingredients:  100g  of  boiled  dog   Suyuk (a boiled dog meat)  Cooking  instructions:  Put  gravy
 have  to  find  a  new  specialty.  The   fine.  Businesses  found  guilty  of   meat,  500g  of  gravy,  20g  of  green   and vegetables into heated pan and
 Chinese  government  is  consider-  selling  the  meat  risk  fines  up  to   onion, 10g of a leek, 10g of perilla   Suyuk  is  eaten  with  specific  in-  roast  them,  and  after  vegetables
 ing  legislation  that  would  make   500,000  yuan  ($73,500.)  The  leg-  leaves, 100g of taro stalk soaked in   gredients  or  salt.  Add  heat  to  the  become softened, put dog meat and
 eating cats and dogs illegal.  islation  is  gaining  support  from   meat  by  boiling  water  or  steam  ingredients  into  the  pan  and  mix
 China’s  growing  number  of  pet   Sauce: 8g of salt, 2g of mashed gar-  for prevention from cooling down.   them. If it is not salty enough, dip
 Professor  Chang  Jiwen  of  the   owners. With living standards ris-  lic, 3g of perilla, 2g of red pepper, 2g  Ingredients are to be made of the   in the sauce.
 Chinese  Academy  of  the  Social   ing  and  disposable  income  grow-  of mashed ginger, a little amount of  mixture of soy bean paste with pe-
 Sciences  is  one  of  the  law’s  top   ing, more Guangzhou residents are   pepper.  rilla, and one can eat the dog meat
 campaigners.  “Cats  and  dogs  are   investing in house pets.  with  the  addition  of  salt  or  these
 loyal friends to humans,” he said.   Cooking instructions:  After boil-
     ing the meat with gravy and stalk of  ingredients  and  wrapping  it  with
 “A ban on eating them would show   “I would never eat dog meat,” said   taro for some time, boil again after  perilla and lettuce.  It is illegal to sing
 China has reached a new level of   Louisa  Yong,  as  she  clutches  her   putting vegetables an d other ingre-  FACT  in a public place
 civilization.”  pet cocker spaniel. “It’s so cruel!”  dients into it. Before eating, sprinkle   Eating  it  with  mildly-boiled  leek   while attired in a
     pepper on it and put into an earthen  is  common.  When  eating  Suyuk,
 Eating dog meat is a long-standing   Meat  vendors  have  a  different   bowl. The stalk  of taro is to be kept  Soju(liquor)  is  usually  accompa-  swimsuit in Sarasota Florida.
 culinary  tradition  not  just  in   view.  in cold water one or two days to get   nied for its taste.
 China, but also Korea. Cat meat can   “The dogs you raise at home, you   rid of its smell and taste.
 be  found  on  the  menu  in  China,   shouldn’t eat,” said Pan, a butcher   Ingredients:  200g  of  boiled  dog
 Vietnam  and  even  parts  of  South   who also declined to give his first   Jeongol  (boiled  dog  meat   meat,  50g  of  gravy,  1g  of  salt,  1g

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