Page 137 - Massage Therapy School Program
P. 137

Massage Therapy & Retailing – Teacher’s Guide
Tips for Teaching:
 When you first watch the presentation, note personal examples to illustrate some of the points. You may wish to add these notes to the note section for each of the slides for reference during the presentation.
 Hand out the student materials at the beginning of the presentation.
 Encourage students to fill out the Student Handout during the presentation as a study guide.
You may collect them later for grading.
 Read aloud the notes section of each slide either directly from the computer screen or the
following outline. Add examples to facilitate discussion.
 As an optional visual aid, you may want to create a slide and/or handout (to accompany side
37) showing your local sales tax requirements.
 Ask students to share their experiences regarding specific topics. Keep the discussion on
 Slides may be printed as transparencies for overhead projector use.
©March 2012, P05507, Rev. 0

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