Page 103 - RKJ 2019 Online Flip Version
P. 103

Later, Moguo was next in line to purchase            floss  and  aspen  shavings,  and  Moguo  felt
                                                                      tickets.  Moguo  figured  he’d  treat  himself  to  a    weak  and  dreamy.  Mogetta  beamed  at  him,
                                                                      performance of Lord Avon’s hit comedy ‘Much              her pupils widening. This was his chance to tell
                                                                      Abuzz About Oglops’. Were he to manage two               her!  He  contemplated  singing  his  favourite
            FFIX: Save Moogle                                         tickets,  maybe  Mogetta  could  be  troubled  to        song  to  woo  her  there  and  then.  Armed  with
            by Dan Hume (Dionysos)                                    join  him.  It  was,  after  all,  a  play  they  once   his chocolate surprise behind his back, nothing
                                                                      studied together. This was their play.                   could  ruin  his  moment.  Nothing  except…  Uh-
            “Yipee, kupo! I finally got  my copy!” squealed               Only  a  middle-aged  hippo  lady  and  her          oh!
            an elated Moguo.
                                                                      young  son  stood  between  him  and  the  box                The  flute  sounded  music  of  its  own,
                 The  young  moogle  was  feeling  mightily           office  booth.  Surely  nothing  could  stop  him.       overpowering  even  the  enchantments  of  the
            triumphant, having been amongst thousands of              Nothing except… Uh-oh!                                   heart.
            moogles queuing for a chance to purchase the                  The  flute  sounded  again,  proving  a  most             “No!  Not  now,  kupo!”  Moguo  thought,
            limited edition of the Mog House VII Remake.              unwelcome scene change in Moguo’s life…                  though  no  sound  could  escape  his  corporeal
            Moguo  started  to  dance,  kicking  his  legs                                                                     prison.
            forwards and backwards, wiggling his little furry             Moguo  attempted  to  cling  to  his  rightful
            bottom, his arms stirring the air while his pink          place  but,  alas,  he  was  immobilised.  Strong             Maddened by the gadfly which is romance,
            wings fanned his back.                                    was his will to go to the theatre, yet every cell        Moguo  surprisingly  managed  to  disobey  long
                                                                      of his body now had a new role to play. His ruff         enough  to  kiss  the  air,  his  lips  behaving  like
                 Nothing could take this moment away from
            him. Nothing except... Uh-oh!                             alone managed to shiver with frustration before          two  rabid  dogs  on  leads  struggling  to  pull
                                                                      he was gone in a flash.
                                                                                                                               against their owner in different directions. They
                 In the distance sounded the intrusive tone               Moguo made his exit, pursued by a cloud              could  get  no  further.  Moguo  froze,  imitating  a
            of a flute. Only Moguo could hear it.                     of dust.                                                 fish, in front of the love of his life.

                 To  Moguo  this  melodic  menace  was  like              The     moogle      returned,     drenched…               Mogetta’s own expression had shifted to a
            distant  gunfire  from  a  battlefield  he  knew  he      “Burmecia! Really?! Kupo!”                               look of horror.
            was fated to join. The  music stabbed through                                                                           “What on Gaia is possessing Moguo?” she
            his  ears  and  conquered  his  body  instantly,              Moguo  found  the  ticket  booth  already            thought. “Is he not the mog I’d dreamt him to
            killing  his  dancing.  Only  his  orange  pom  pom       shuttered,  its  line  dispersed,  its  tickets  clearly   be?”
            appeared  to  resume  its  jovial  dance,  briefly        sold out.
            continuing its orbit above Moguo’s head.                                                                                Moguo’s  lips  failed  to  reach  Mogetta’s
                                                                          “That  damn  flute,  kupo!”  Moguo  cried.           tender  face.  Try  as  he  might,  his  body  was
                 Moguo’s entire body started to shake like a          “That metal-clad buffoon standing there looking          forced  to  fire  itself  like  the  casually  misfired
            wet  rabbit  with  pneumonia.  Though  he  tried          cross isn’t helping matters, kupo!”                      arrow of Cupid to some new target in a distant
            desperately to fight it, his body was compelled               Later, a recovered Moguo tidied his ruff in          land, leaving a stunned Mogetta to wash away
            by his duty. The dread was all-consuming. He                                                                       the dust with her tears.
            felt like every inch of himself was being tugged          the  mirror,  slicked  back  his  pom  pom  and
            by  invisible  malboro  tentacles  towards  some          picked  up  the  giant-sized  kupo  nut  chocolate            A moment later, Moguo returned.
            terrifying maw. Inevitably, he gave in and sped           bar  from  his  table  before  leaving  through  his
            towards  the  source  of  the  flute,  leaving  his                                                                     Struggling  to  catch  his  breath  and  vexed
            game behind amidst a heavy cloud of dust.                     Despite  knowing  he  looked  both  sleep-           like a Bomb about to explode, he clutched his
                                                                                                                               chocolate bar in his little paws so  hard that it
                 Moguo soon returned.                                 deprived  and  nervous,  Moguo  was  feeling  in         had already begun to melt within its packaging.
                                                                      the zone again for sure. He was in love, and he          Then he saw her, and him! Mogetta was being
                 His  game  was  gone.  Impatient,  covetous          was    holding    sweet    Mogetta’s     favourite
            moogles must have taken it.                               chocolate bar.                                           comforted  by  Mogthomas.  The  cocky,  sleazy
                                                                                                                               bully, his ultimate nemesis, smirked at Moguo.
                 “That  damn  flute,  kupo!”  Moguo  cried.               Moguo’s heart raced as he saw Mogetta’s              Then,  without  breaking  eye  contact  with  his
            “Curse  the  day  Monty  gave  that  confounded           comely figure turn to face him upon hearing his          rival, Mogthomas went in for a sneaky kiss with
            object to that monkey-tailed imbecile, kupo!”             approach.  She  smelt  like  a  mixture  of  candy
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