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beheadings  were  a  mascot-wearer's  greatest                Selphie's  ears  prickled  at  the  words.
                                                                      fear  no  matter  who  they  were.  At  the  very        "…You  said  he,  him  and  guy.  So  you  know
                                                                      least,  Moogle's  instinct,  regardless  of  their       Moogle is a Mr. Moogle?"
                                                                      apparent  and  excessive  use  of  superglue,                 "Selphie…"
                                                                      should have been to clutch at their head.
                                                                          But remaining totally calm with unflappable               She  could  practically  feel  the  facepalm
                                                                      faith in their costume's durability? Unheard of.         emanate from her friend's voice. Even still, she
            The Superglued Moogle Mascot Mystery                                                                               just…didn't understand.
            by Erica Seguin (Emerald-Latias)                              Selphie crossed her arms as she casually                  "Rinoa,  if  it  was  that,  I  would  have  been
                                                                      mulled over this ever-thickening plot, giving the        totally  cool  with  it.  The  more  the  merrier,  you
            If looks could kill, Selphie's ear-to-ear Cheshire        Moogle another once over.                                know? Besides, the little yellow chocobo fanny
            grin  was  attempted  murder.  Mostly  because                "Even  if  I  couldn't  unmask  you,  I  did  feel   pack  Mr.  Moogle  has  on  is  cute  and  I  would
            the Chocobo beak she was wearing obscured                 some part of your noggin hit the upper-middle            have totally made him an honorary Chocobo at
            pretty  much  everything  below  her  eyes.  The          part  of  the  head  when  I  tried  taking  it  off  so   Wark  This  Way  in  that  case.  But  this  is  not
            flock of yellow feathers in her hair didn't exactly       you're  not  super  short.  So…this  rules  out  the     that." Selphie started to explain before pointing
            scream threatening either, it  mostly screamed            possibility  that  you're  my  arch-nemesis              her right finger straight at Moogle's face. "This
            too  much  hair  product,  but  alas,  Selphie  was       Wimbly.  Then  again,  that's  a  little  too            hug-giving,  fist  bump-bestowing,  hi-fiving
            elated.                                                   conspiracy-theory-ish  even  for  me  so…hey  -          Moogle is trying to go after my Garden Festival
                 Out of sheer dumb luck, she'd managed to             don't you dare facepalm when I talk!"                    feather  crown.  I  have  many  enemies,  Rin.
            bum  rush  the  Moogle  into  the  oversized                  Before  she  could  even  wag  her  finger  for      Even  more  when  I  decided  this  would  be  the
            kitchen pantry, ending their reign of terror and          emphasis however, a loud series of knocks on             theme  this  year  instead  of  Merry  Moogle
            thunder-stealing.                                         the  door  claimed  her  attention.  Selphie's           Masquerade.  When  you  factor  that  in,  I  can't
                                                                                                                               overlook  the  very-real  possibility  that  this
                 Selphie lowered her elastic-bound beak as            stomach  and  pointer  finger  sunk  upon  the           person  in  a Moogle mascot  costume  with  a
            she shut the door behind her.                             realization  that  she  hadn't  locked  it  in  her      superglued  head  is  trying  to  sabotage
                                                                      gleeful haste. And despite her effort to leap to
                 "Jig's up, Moogle. You have no opposable             the other side of the room in a half-second, the         me and my  chances  at  adding  a  Chocobo
            thumbs  and  no  way  of  getting  out  of  here          door opened before she could make it there.              petting  zoo  next  year  by  gunning  to  be  the
            unless  you  co-operate  with  me.  Tell  me  who                                                                  center of attention."
            you are and who sent you. Or strip. The choice                When  she  saw  that  the  interloper  was                "…Beyond this sentence, I have no words
            is yours."                                                someone  with a shock of pearl-white feathers            for  what  I  just  heard  Selph."  The  sorceress
                                                                      and  jet-black  hair  through  the  widening  crack
                 Moogle shook their head defiantly. Selphie           of the door, Selphie started to deflate.                 looked beyond her to the object of her derision.
            raised a brow.                                                                                                     "Moogle,  I  apologize  for  my  friend.  She's
                                                                          It  seemed  as  though  Rinoa  found  her  at        running  on  practically  no  sleep  the  past  few
                 "Holy  Carbuncle,  you're  serious  business,        last, surely to play the angel on her shoulder.          weeks  since  she  decided  to  run  the  entire
            aren't you? I mean, I know my mascots – you               Or  rather  the  white  Chocobo  flapper  girl           festival  by  herself  after  dismissing  all  her
            shouldn't  have  been  able  to  do  that  with  the      crossover  version  of  that.  But  to  Selphie's        helpers."
            Mr.  Moogle  Model  YRP-Mark  III  without  the           surprise,  she  did  close  the  door  behind  her
            head shifting."                                           even  though  she  didn't  really  look  all  that            "Like  I  had  a  choice  –  their  utter  lack  of
                 She  drifted  towards  the  mascot  and              impressed with her.                                      commitment was about to ruin everything!" the
                                                                                                                               brunette corrected, lowering her hand simply to
            nudged  the  head  with  an  open  palm  to  no               Busted.                                              ball it into a fist at her side. "It had to be done!"
            avail.  Then  she  tried  yanking  it  off  altogether
            with both hands and ended up with the same                    "I  look  the  other  way  for  one  second  and          Rinoa couldn't help but sigh as she walked
            result  –  the  damn  thing  must  have  been             you  go  off  chasing  this  poor  Moogle."  she         past her entirely. "You fired them because they
            superglued  on.  Even  still,  the  strangest  thing      chided.  "Selphie…what  is  maiming  him  going          wouldn't  paint  backdrops  at  3  am."  she
            wasn't  that  the  head  didn't  even  budge  a           to achieve? The poor guy probably just wanted            casually  pointed  out  before  reaching  out  to
            fraction  of  an  inch  but  rather  that  the  person    fit in but didn't have a Chocobo costume."               Moogle's  paw.  "C'mon  Moogle,  let's  get  you
            inside  it  was  just  as  motionless.  Involuntary                                                                out of-"
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