Page 64 - RKJ 2019 Online Flip Version
P. 64
She stopped mid-sentence when Moogle sporadically quirking upwards despite blatant With a hearty wave to Rinoa and a nod to
bat her hand away and shook their head once efforts to anchor them down. The gap between Selphie, Moogle left the room - the former
more. Before she could even ask why, the her fingers and the distance separating them thankful that the latter had the decency not to
mascot sidestepped around her, and walked from her palm widened in between tail them. Instead, she simply gestured to the
towards Selphie at a slow, deliberate place concentrated attempts to tighten the slack. retreating mascot.
until they were close enough to just be within But once the first giggle escaped, it was all "I didn't want to say it earlier but, is it just
arms' reach of each other. The sorceress over. The smile remained and the fist reverted me or did Moogle sound a lot like Irvy? You
couldn't help but turn around, all while to an open hand, her resolve effectively gone know, like the time I accidentally-on purpose
wondering what the heck was going through for good. kicked him in the cowboys?"
that Moogle's mind to dismiss the free ticket
she offered to escape this predicament. "Ok, so maybe…I was overreacting about Rinoa waited a few seconds before
Judging by Selphie's current bemused facial that whole, 'you're out to get my feather answering. "Yeah…now that you mention it, it
expression, Rinoa hazarded a guess that she crown' thing. Just a little." she sheepishly kind of does. But isn't he on that mission with
wasn't the only one feeling this way. admitted before she let her grin grow even Squall until tomorrow?"
larger. "C'mere, you big lug!"
And she guessed that this feeling only "Yeah but it's not completely unheard for
intensified for her friend when Moogle decided When Selphie practically tackled Moogle them to come back earlier if it goes well."
to extend their arms in the universal, 'give me a as she accepted the hug, Rinoa let out a long- "But…if that was the case, wouldn't Squall
hug' gesture. Rinoa couldn't decide if this stab drawn exhale and a few nervous giggles of her be home too then?"
at a peace offering was genius or insanity as own. Never had she never felt so much relief
she raised a hand over pursed lips and side- over something so ridiculous in her life. "Not really. I remember a bunch of times
stepped to the left so she could continue After the hug had naturally run its course, where Irvine's left earlier because they only
watching the madness unfold with an Rinoa walked past the mascot and over to needed a sniper for part of a mission since he
unobstructed view. Selphie. made SeeD." she explained. "Anyway, Mr.
Kinneas is soooo gonna get the Trabian
In a split second, the confusion written on "I think you should do the honors." Inquisition when he comes home from that,
Selphie's face was wiped clean and replaced quote-unquote, 'mission that ends tomorrow.'"
with a more disgruntled look as she remained She shot the sorceress an incredulous
motionless in some kind of bid to hold her look. "But I haven't even gotten around to "…And if it actually was a, quote-
ground and start a stare down. This lasted for finding out-" unquote, 'mission that ends tomorrow?'"
a good ten seconds before Moogle must have "Selphie…" "I'll cross that bridge when I get there." she
decided Selphie had blinked and took a half- answered with a shrug. "Anyway, we should
step closer, arms still raised. "Ok, ok! I'll do it. Jeez." probably get out of this pantry before someone
When Selphie remained resolute, Moogle Despite how loudly the front of her chunky accuses us of stealing hot dogs."
took another half-step forward. Eying her now- heels repeatedly hit and scuffed the floor in The sorceress sighed under her breath as
trembling but still-clenched fist, Rinoa prayed protest, Selphie made good on her words as they both walked out of the room. There was
that Moogle's head could withstand the faintest she sulked over to the door and opened it no changing Selphie Tilmitt's mind sometimes.
possibility of a right hook if the intense stress wide.
of the past few weeks clouded her judgement "You're free to go, Moogle. Drive safe if -—-
enough. you don't live on campus." When Rinoa retired to the guest dorm
she'd been assigned to much later that
"I'm sorry, kupo." "And by safe, what she means is get a taxi.
'Cause driving with a mascot head stuck on is evening, she had two thoughts on her mind.
A moment after the high-pitched apology
broke the silence like a popped party balloon, the opposite of that." Rinoa wryly pointed out. The first was whether or not she could take
Rinoa noticed Selphie began to tremble more. Unsurprisingly, the brunette shot her a dirty these heels off without bending over.
It wasn't confined to her balled hand either - look for the comment. And the second?
her face was struggling to maintain the ire and "Yeah sure, what she said." Wondering if it was a good idea to wake
indignation. The corners of her lips kept
"Will do, kupo." Mr. Moogle.