Page 147 - PRE-INTERMEDIATE A5 204
P. 147


                -   No, no, you can't go to them.
                -   Yeah, well.
                -   No. You can't.
                -   I think I Will.
                -   No.  they're  going  to  endanger  (нанести  ущерб)  thousands  of  local
                    residents (жителей).
                -   Oh I give a **** some local tribesman (туземцы) gets cancer (рак). Cry
                    me a *******river.
                -   They're not tribesmen, it's a modern society (общество).
                -   Do I look like I *****care?
                -   Okay, all right. Look, Bobby, your dad told me very clearly that he would
                    rather die than save money and hurt people.
                -   Okay. Well guess what, looks like we're right on schedule, doesn't it?
                -   Okay, what else?
                -   Oh,  yeah,  we  got  to  trim  some  of  the  fat  (подрезать/разобраться  с
                    жировыми накоплениями) around here.
                -   Trim (подрезать)? What do you mean by trimming the fat?
                -   I want you to fire the fat people.
                -   What?
                -   They're lazy and they're slow and they make me sad to look at. You can
                    start with large Marge.  Marge, can you come in here, please?
                -   No, no Margie's not fat, she's pregnant (беременная). I'm not gonna fire
                -    Fine. Uh, stay where you are Marge. Congratulations. You can fire, uh,
                    professor Xavier.
                -   Who are you talking about?
                -   You mean Hank.
                -   Yeah, he **** creeps me out (меня пугает) rolling around (катается)
                    all day in a special little secret chair. I know he's up to something (он
                    что-то задумал).
                -   I'm not going to fire anyone.
                -   Oh, you’re not gonna fire him? Oh really?
                -   Yeah, really. You know it's like you don't care about this company at all.
                -   No ***** ****** I don't care about this company. You… you this is just
                    an ATM to me.  You think when I was a kid I dreamed running a ******
                    chemical company. No, I dream of being on a beach with a model serving
                    me tropical drinks. That's what I dreamed of. That's exactly what's gonna
                    happen as soon as I squeeze every bit of profit out of this ***** company.
                    But  first  things  first.  You  either  fire  the  fatty  or  you  fire  the  cripple
                    (калеку). Or I’ll  fire all three of you. Decision is yours. You can phone a

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