Page 150 - PRE-INTERMEDIATE A5 204
P. 150


         Ooh, teaser! Now it would be weird if the whole meeting went by and you
         didn’t  contribute.  You’ll  get  your  opening.  You’ve  created  suspense
         If the group email won’t work, try the same thing in person. Catch (словите)
         others who will be in the meeting later at the proverbial (пресловутый) water
         cooler, and tell them, “I have some amazing data that will help us decide X.”
         If pressed about the “amazing data,” say, “Let’s save it for the meeting so we
         can get everybody’s feedback.”
         3. Get on the Agenda (займитесь вопросами на повестке дня): Do meetings
         just come and go, while you barely (едва) get a word in? Set the agenda.
         Even if you’re the least powerful person in the room, you can often set some
         part of the agenda. Who called the meeting? Run into that person a few hours
         before  the  meeting  and  ask  what  the  agenda  is.  If  you  get  a  vague
         (расплывчатый)  answer  (“Well,  we’re  just  going  to  talk  about…”),  try
         something like, “Great, I’d like to make sure I get to share [this thing I’ve been
         doing] so we can all coordinate [other parts of the project]. Can we make sure
         we give that five to 10 minutes?” Or, “I’d like to give a progress report on X.
         Can I get five minutes for that?”
         If what you really want to do is have your ideas heard and get credit for them,
         don’t say that, exactly. Couch it (сформулируйте) in language no boss could
         say no to. For instance, you’d like to give an “executive-level briefing” about
         Project X. Ooh, executive-level briefings are for important people! I want one
         of those!
         If  you  can’t  quite  pull  that  off,  “briefing”  is  still  a  great  word.  It  puts  the
         emphasis (ударение) on the importance of the listener, which can help to get
         you airtime (время в эфире).
         Exercise 407. Watch the video 3.20 and answer the questions.
         -   I'm just saying, telling the truth is not in the cards (не суждено) right
             now. I thought, I thought you'd be excited to have an acting job.
         -   If it's an acting job we should get paid.
         -   Yeah, you're gonna get paid in experience.
         -   I want to actually get paid….mm-hmm all right.
         -   What do you want?
         -   $600 for the day plus overtime if we go over eight hours. I'll do my own
             hair, makeup. And I want you to pay for the six-week intensive acting
             camp that my mom can't afford.
         -   $50 for the day and a 2-week acting class at the YMCA nearest to you.
         -   $500 and a four-week acting class.
         -   $300 in a three-week class.

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