Page 153 - PRE-INTERMEDIATE A5 204
P. 153
Exercise 413. Watch the video 3.21 and answer the questions.
Number two – plan everything. A number of ultra-successful individuals don’t
just eliminate (устранить) meaningless decisions (бессмысленные
решения) but also turn their entire (целую) life into a regimented schedule
(регламентированный график). Most of these wealthy (богатых) people
have an absurd amount of responsibilities thrown at them (накидывают)
every single day, meaning they have more meetings, e-mails, phone calls and
appointments than they know what to do with. So how do they navigate the
chaos that is the life of a billionaire? Well, according to (согласно) Elon
Musk, they plan their day from start to finish in 5-minute blocs. Elon Musk,
who is worth (оценивается в) over 21 billion and founded both Tesla Motors
and SpaceX, realized that he can tackle (взяться с энтузиазмом) a mountain
of projects by slicing them up (разделяя их) into bite-sized (на части, за
которые можно взяться) pieces. Not only does this relieve (облегчить) the
incredible pressure (невероятное давление) of staring down (смотреть на)
so many unfinished tasks, but it allows (позволяет) them to maximize the
productivity of every minute of every day. This type of scheduling takes
extraordinary discipline, ambition and determination to keep up with. But
billionaires like Elon Musk were only able to develop these characteristics by
constantly forcing themselves outside of their comfort zone. Thereby,
challenging (оспаривая) their own beliefs (убеждения) about what they
thought they could accomplish (достичь). Elon Musk’s 5-minute blocks also
come with another added bonus. When those 5 minutes are up and that task is
accomplished (завершено), he gets to cross that item off his checklist
(вычеркнуть этот пункт из своего списка) and refocus his mind entirely
(полностью) on something new. Why is this so powerful? Because by forcing
your thoughts into a funnel every five minutes you can dedicate (посвятить)
all of your attention (внимание) and effort creating the best possible product.
For the average person (среднестатистический человек) it’s all too easy to
let your mind wander (мыслям разбегаться). You might be sitting at work
but you’re probably thinking about that game you were playing last night or
the song you’ve been writing. Whatever that is, the lack of a rigorous
schedule (строгий график) gives your brain the freedom (свободу) to
casually sightsee (осмотреть) along the way (по пути) while 5-minute
intervals force you to hone in on (отточить) the fastest route (маршрут) to
success. So, what can you do to follow in the footsteps (пойти по стопам) of
these precisely scheduled (с чётко расписанным графиком) billionaires?
Well, start by doing the same thing for your own life (собственную жизнь)
even if you don’t have enough responsibilities to actually fill the schedule out
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