Page 154 - PRE-INTERMEDIATE A5 204
P. 154


         (заполнить  график).  Breakdown  (разбейте)  school  or  work  into  small
         intervals, keep track of (следите за) how much time it takes you to send an e-
         mail, write a paragraph or read a page and do whatever you can to make that
         interval even smaller. In order to think like a billionair, you need to treat your
         time like it’s worth something (как будто оно чего-то стоит); like every
         minute of your day is valuable (ценный) for one reason or another. Each time
         you drift off (засыпаешь) into a daydream or binge an extra episode of your
         favorite TV show, you are losing out on valuable (потерять ценные) minutes
         of your time which you could be investing into long-term goals (цели). Find a
         way  to  make  sure  that  you  fall  into  your  bed  knowing  with  certainty
         (уверенность) that you did as much as you possible could that day. You’d be
         surprised   at   confidence   (уверенность)   and   self-satisfaction
         (самоудовлетворение) that this knowledge will give you. And the more you
         do it, the more those positive feelings will grow until you’ve developed the
         poise and conviction (самообладание и убеждения) of a billionaire.
         Answer the questions:
      1.  What is this video mainly about?
      2.  What is Elon Musk’s approach in tackling his everyday agenda?
      3.  What is your approach in terms of running your errands?
      4.  What is the 5-minute interval routine about?
      5.  Does your brain ever wander along while you are at work?
      6.  What do you usually think about while working?
      7.  How many tasks do you have planned for every day?
      8.  Do you always accomplish all of the tasks?
      9.  Do you agree with the author on the fact that billionaire’s approach is actually
         Exercise 414. Put the verbs into the correct tenses.
      1.  (to have) (to say) that (to let) me (to remind) you that Ronnie’s supportive niece
         (to be going to) (to get used to) (to have) a part-time job because she (to need)
         (to earn) enough (to provide) for her family, as she (to be) laid off now.
      2.  Notably, Olaf’s tired nephew (would/could/should) (to call) him back once in
         a blue moon.
      3.  Honestly, Jason’s sloppy boss (to be not used to) (to offer) a high salary to his
         employees, not on his watch!
      4.  Besides, Avery’s persuasive sister –in – law (used to/to get used to/to be used
         to) (to accept) all job offers she (could/can/to be able) (to find), as she (to have)
         a lot of financial problems last year.
      5.  It (to seem) to me, Gordon’s determined employer (to be going to) (to run) this
         by me, as I (to be used to) (to fix) these issues now.

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