Page 159 - PRE-INTERMEDIATE A5 204
P. 159
3. Avoid Asides (избегайте ремарок): In a scenario that allows for
preparation, such as giving a speech to a public audience, asides (ремарки) are
fine. You have advance time (срок) to prepare them, determine (определите)
if they’re relevant (относятся к делу), and include (включить) them if they
are. In more natural conversations, however, improvised asides can be
damaging (нанести ущерб). For example, if you’re in a job interview and you
answer a question directly, then spiral (уходите в) into a related story
(историю, которая связана с основной темой) about something that
happened to you a few years ago, it could be a sign that you’re nervous and
looking to fill conversational space. Instead, focus only on what’s immediately
relevant (относится к делу по сути сейчас).
4. Lower Your Vocal Range (понизьте ваш голосовой диапазон): Take a
look at some of the most famous speeches throughout history, at currently
popular politicians, and even at local newscasters (диктор). You’ll find that
most of them have lower tones of voice, and this is no coincidence (нет
совпадений). People tend to view speakers with lower speaking voices as
having more authority and confidence. As much as you can, practice speaking
in a lower tone of voice. Don’t force yourself or you’ll sound unnatural, but if
you can get yourself a tone or two lower, it can make a real difference
(реально изменить ситуацию).
5. Gesticulate: Gesticulation — the practice of using your hands and arms to
punctuate (акцентировать) or enhance (усилить) your verbal statements —
is another valuable (ценная) body language strategy. Speakers who use body
language actively in their presentation tend to be viewed (смотрелись, как) as
more confident and more authoritative than those who do not. Obviously,
different hand gestures (жесты) can signal different things, and if you simply
wave (махать) your hands wildly in front of your audience, it may make you
come across (казаться) as out of control. Instead, focus on reserving
(оставлять) your hand gestures for your most impactful words, and try to keep
your movements reserved and under strict control.
Exercise 422. Watch the video 3.24 and answer the questions.
Four job offers, my bank raising (повышает) my line of credit.
A reporter from the New York Post: Really call me back Mr. Mora. No one
makes money that fastest. This article is getting written with or without you.
And finally Kevin Doyle trying to sound casual (непринуждённо): Eddie, I
was talking up to my boss. And well the impossible happened, but we got you
a meeting with Carl Van Loon.
- Carl Van Loon wants to meet you?
- Apparently, so. You're not gonna finance game?
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