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         -   Stu.
         -   Well, maybe the Jonas Brothers are in town.
         -   Nope,  they're  in  Raleigh-durham  that  weekend.  Hmm…Are  you  really
             being serious, Stu? You’re inviting me?
         -   Yeah, why not. Should be fun, right?
         -   Phil, you going?
         -   Of course.
         -   There will be fun.
         -   Ah! Whoa [ __ ] are you doing man?
         -   It's my immunizations. It's the last day I can do it.
         -   That's supposed to be done by a registered nurse.
         -   I'm a nurse, just not registered.
         Exercise 433. Read and discuss the article.
         Signs  You  Need  a  Vacation.
         1. You're feeling negative. You are feeling bored and are having difficulty
         mustering  up  (собрать)  motivation  to  get  your  work  done.  Everyone  and
         everything  about  your  job  annoys  (раздражает)  you,  and  you  are feeling
         neither  (ни)  satisfied  (удовлетворён)  nor  (ни)  fulfilled (иметь  чувство
         того, что всё выполнено) when it comes to the daily grind (трудовые будни)
         and  your  overall  (общая)  career  path.  If  these  negative  thoughts  seep
         (просочиться) into your personal life, it's time for a break.
         2.  You're  in  physical  pain.  When  you  feel  anxious  (тревожным)  or
         overwhelmed     (перегруженным)     at    work,    your    brain
         releases (вырабатывает)  stress  hormones as  a  “fight-or-flight”  response
         (бей или беги ответную реакцию) to whatever is causing the stress. Over
         time,  the  less  benign  (безвредные)  physiological  consequences
         (последствия) of this chemical reaction – increased pulse rate, blood pressure
         (кровяное давление), sweating (потение) – can lend (оказать) themselves to
         more severe  symptoms (тяжёлые  симптомы)  like  chest  pain,  back  aches
         (боль),  eye  strain  (чрезмерное  напряжение  зрения),  headaches,
         gastrointestinal  problems,  dizziness  (головокружение),  and  fainting
         (обмороки). The exhaustion (истощение) that comes with a heavy workload
         can  also weaken  (ослабляет)  your  immune  system and  make  you  more
         susceptible (склонным) to cold viruses, the flu, and infections.
         3. You're struggling to sleep. Those same stress hormones may also make it
         difficult to unwind (расслабиться) before bedtime, fall asleep, and even stay
         asleep.  The American  Psychological  Association reports  that  a  third  of
         millenials do not get the recommended eight hours of sleep each night because

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