Page 167 - PRE-INTERMEDIATE A5 204
P. 167
3. The thing (to be), Leland’s candid colleague (used to/would) (to be) good at
comparetmentalizing last winter; however, now he (to get used to) a new
4. The problem (to be), Piper’s slim nephew (to be getting used to) (to take) only
the calculated risk.
5. By the way, Nash’s stingy godson (to be going to) (to get used to) (to stay) on
top of the deadlines even if it (to be) out of his league, as he (to need) (to be)
the best fit for the position at all cost.
Exercise 437. Read and discuss the story.
WARREN BUFFETT:“If you don’t find a way to make money while you
sleep, you will work until you die.”
Warren Edward Buffett, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, is considered
(считается) one of the most successful investors in the world. Buffett isn’t just
a great businessman, he is also a man of many quirky (странных) habits and
hobbies. He likes to eat like a 6-year old by drinking up to five Cokes a day
and eating hamburgers and hash browns. “I’m one-quarter Coca-Cola”, he
states. One of his hobbies is playing the ukulele, which he is actually really
good at. There are videos of him online where he is singing an ode to Coca-
Cola and jamming together with Bon Jovi.
His hiring methods are also a bit different from the usual. Buffett stated at a
shareholders (акционеры) meeting: “If I was given a choice between hiring
someone out of grad school that was brilliant or someone that memorized
(выучил) chapter 8 of the ‘Intelligent Investor,’ I’d take the one who
memorized chapter 8. What we do doesn’t take a high IQ. It takes discipline
and it takes time”.
Did you know that one of Warren Buffett’s ukuleles got sold for over $11,000?
Exercise 438. Translate the sentences.
1. Перестань всё откладывать! На самом деле, я не собираюсь соглашаться,
чтобы уволить работников по сокращению штатов.
2. Кроме того, каждодневные должностные обязанности племянника Фреда
не состоят из того, чтобы соблюдать сроки и высказывать идеи на каждой
встрече, поэтому прилежный племянник Фреда привыкнет говорить
3. Проблема в том, что убедительный крёстный Марка осознаёт, что в
бонусы в его работе не включают выходное пособие.
4. В любом случае, переговоры в его работе зависят от (on) того, (if)
настойчивый начальник Стивена привыкнет давать/разрешать
работникам отдыхать вместо того, чтобы работать допоздна.
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