Page 156 - Вишневская Виктория Юрьевна ©
P. 156
to have
to hear
to imagine
to include
to intend
to interest
to involve
to know
to lack
to manage to do
to matter
to mean
to need
to notice
to object
to owe
Exercise 280. Correct the mistakes.
1. A problem are, Cole a persuasive uncle is be prepared for upcoming interview,
I am promise.
2. Fortunate, Terrence a bored relative will usually entitled in a lot perks at his
job, so he will can to help your on future.
3. Notable, Allan a persuasive father-in-law is not take not for answer, so you had
rather run these by yours fiancée.
4. More over, Mandy a industrious and candid neighbours are work on shifts, as
these company is not have a 9 to 5 jobs.
5. Have said those, Patrick a savvy godson will going send much his CVs, as now
he am laid of and need have steady source income to supports his a family.
Exercise 281. Read and discuss the story.
MARTHA STEWART: “My life is my job, and my job is my life”
Emmy award-winning television show host (ведущая телевизионного ток-
шоу и обладательница премии Эмми) and entrepreneur (частный
предприниматель) Martha Stewart is an American icon. She started her
catering business (ресторанный бизнес) in 1997, which turned into
(превратился) an international media and home-furnishing (товары для
дома) corporation - Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia. The company includes
books and TV shows, which reach about 66 million consumers.
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