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to hear more. Tell me about your experience (опыт) and what you would bring
into this role. Pause (сделайте паузу). When this is asked, they are looking to
learn what makes you stand out (выделяться). Be honest with your answers.
That means (означает) having a pause and think for a second. That is all right
Exercise 20. Translate the sentences into Russian and explain the usage of
the future forms.
1. Keep me posted! For the record, I would like to know all of the updates on his
job search, as I cannot stand this anymore. So, I am seeing George tonight.
2. For the record that is a catch-22! Actually Ronald will not be able to take up
courses until he has a steady source of income.
3. Notably, Samantha’s dedicated godparents can’t take it anymore, as their goal-
oriented nephew has been unemployed for about 6 months so far.
4. The problem is, more and more determined rookies are searching for a steady
job, and all of them are eager to work 24/7.
5. On the other hand, Richard’s meticulous boss is not going to hire rookies, as
they are too inexperienced and he needs the savviest people on his team now.
Exercise 21. Discuss fun facts.
Employees who have more control over the layout and design of their
workspace are healthier and happier in the office.
When office temperatures are low (68 degrees), employees make 44%
more errors and are less productive than when temperatures are warmer
(77 degrees).
Multitasking at work can drop a person's IQ by ten points, which is
equivalent to losing a night of sleep and twice the effect
of smoking marijuana.
Exercise 23. Fill in the correct translation.
первое, что приходит в голову
проблема в том, что
честно говоря
между прочим
видимо, предположительно
к сожалению
раз в сто лет
с другой стороны
при этом
в частности, главным образом
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