Page 316 - Вишневская Виктория Юрьевна ©
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             for what it's worth the bigger risk is withholding information if you're not
             helping me help you, I start questioning like are we really friends are we
             in this together or not. This brings me to the next question then were the
             next potential myth. Are we really friends? Are candidates really friends
             with? I mean you and I are friends, but are is the candidate really friends
             with  the  recruiter  or  is  the  recruiter  potentially  trying  to  lowball  the
             candidate? Right, I don't know if you saw this tweet but I actually said
             this in writing that if you are recruiter who lowballs candidates you are
             dead to me. I put that in writing and then I thought. So, here and here's
             why,  okay?  Here's  why  I  can't  tell  you  with  any  confidence  that  it
             absolutely never happens because there's eight billion recruiters on the
             planet and I don't know them all. However, if I'm an agency recruiter I'm
             actually paid based on your offer and so if I make your offer lower I am
             also making my own paycheck lower. Secondly as a company recruiter so
             you think well that's great for agency Ames but you work in you know
             big Corp and whatever I have never in all the companies I've worked for
             ever been rewarded or bonus in any way by low-balling candidates what
             I have done is played myself by making an offer that I knew was gonna
             be too low was it ultimately gonna make the person happy and then I'm
             back filling them six months later. So, that was a dream yes and I learned
             many-many years ago you know trying to do the “right thing” and you
             know the company saying oh, we can only pay I'm not pushing back. So
             I won't tell you my job now and the way I feel about this is yes mindful
             of  budget  mindful  of  internal  equity  mindful  of  the  labor  market  but
             ultimately if the offer doesn't feel good to you you're either not gonna take
             it which then I'm redoing all the work I've just done for six months or
             you're  gonna  take  it  and  bounce  at  the  first  real  offer  you  get  from
             someone else. I am NOT interested in duplicating my work.
             Exercise  512.  Read  and  discuss  the  facts.  Interesting  Facts  About
             Xiaomi You Probably Didn’t Know Of (Got Such Thing As Xiaomi
             TV In Singapore?)
                Name: Xiaomi literally means Millet and Rice, which is actually a
                 reference  to  a  Buddhist  concept.  It  signifies  that Xiaomi wants  to
                 start from little things before aiming for the top.
                “Mi” is also an acronym for Mission Impossible (not the movie!) to
                 represent the impossible obstacles that they have overcome. Bet you
                 didn’t know that!
                The Mascot: Xiaomi’s mascot is a bunny called Mitu who wears an
                 Ushanka (Lei Feng hat). The Mi Bunny’s cap has a red star and it
                 also wears a red scarf around its neck. Ain’t it cute?

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