Page 324 - Вишневская Виктория Юрьевна ©
P. 324


             What ____________________________________________________?
             Exercise 529. Read and discuss an article.
             The Stories Of These 5 Athletes Will Motivate Everyone Of You
                Michael  Jordan,  basketball  player.  “When  you’re  in  a  rhythm
                 during the season, you’re going to fail seven out of 10 times,”- Mark
                 Texeira, Yankees
             Michael Jordan has been praised to the skies (расхваливали до небес)
             and is often referred (о котором говорят, как) to as the best basketball
             player of all time. He attributes his success to (он относит свой успех)
             his many failures because he has claimed they made him try even harder.
             They certainly did not discourage (сдерживать) him. When he was very
             young, he was not even thought to have a great talent. He was cut from
             the high school basketball team. He has actually counted his failures and
             they include 300 lost games and he has missed taking the game winning
             shot  26  times.  Most  champions  are  discouraged  and  unmotivated  by
             failures  but  Michael  Jordan  had  the  right  attitude  and  regarded
             (рассматривали) them as the recipe for his success.
                Bethany Hamilton, surfer. Bethany Hamilton grew up in Hawaii so
                 it is not surprising to learn that by the age of 7, she was already able
                 to  surf  waves.  In  2003,  a  terrible  tragedy  struck  (трагедия
                 случилась) when a shark bit off (акула откусила) her left arm. As
                 she recovered, she made two promises to herself. The first was that
                 she  would  not  moan  (ныл)  about  her  terrible  misfortune
                 (невезенье)  and  the  second  was  that  she  would  get  back  on  the
                 surfboard. Another person would have been resigned to failure. But
                 not Bethany Hamilton. After only 26 days, she was surfing again!
                 She is now ranked as among the top 50 female surfers in the world.
                 She also  won  first prize in the Explorer Women’s Division of the
                 NSSA National Championships.
             She  overcame  many  obstacles  before  becoming  successful  as  a  one
             armed  (однорукий)  surfer.  She  had  moments  of  sheer  (одного)
             frustration  when  adjusting  to  her  disability  (инвалидности).  The
             accident  was  instrumental  in  (сыграл  главную  роль  в)  helping  her
             overcome  difficult  moments  but  above  all  taught  her  how  to  defeat
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