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                Published in Emotion, the researchers  surveyed (опросы) hundreds of
                participants (учасников), making a distinction (разницу) between the
                “ideal self” (not achieving goals they had set for themselves, their dreams,
                and ambitions) and “the ought self” (то, что должно быть) (not meeting
                the norms and rules they had for themselves or fulfilling their obligations
                to  others).  They  asked  participants  to  list,  name,  and  categorize  their
                Across the different studies, the participants said they experienced regrets
                concerning (относительно) their ideal self more often (72% vs. 28%).
                Furthermore,  when  asked  to  name  their  single  biggest  regret  in  life,
                participants were more likely to mention (упомянуть) a regret about not
                fulfilling their ideal self (76% vs. 24%).
                “When  we  evaluate  (оцениваете)  our  lives,  we  think  about  whether
                we’re heading toward our ideal selves, becoming the person we’d like to
                be. Those are the regrets that are going to stick with you, because they are
                what you look at through the windshield (лобовое стекло) of life. The
                ‘ought’  regrets  are  potholes  (выбоины)  on  the  road.  Those  were
                problems, but now they’re behind you.” – Tom Gilovich.
                Let’s ponder a couple of questions:
                What is it that you currently regret most about your life?
                What do you most not want to regret about your life when your time is
                People regret their inactions (бездействие) more than their actions in the
                long  term.  Not  falling  in  love,  not  hanging  out  (тусить)  with  good
                friends,  and  not  working  toward  a  healthy  body  are  just  a  couple  of
                common themes.
                Maybe you never started writing that book despite your love for writing.
                Perhaps you haven’t set up your own dream business because you were
                afraid of what people would think if you actually tried.
                The thing is, taking action is that first step (начать что-то делать –
                первый шаг к тому, чтобы) to ensure (обеспечить) you avoid regrets.
                Confidence  comes  with  taking  action.  Making  a  commitment
                (обязательство)  to  follow  through  and  then  having  the  courage
                (мужество) to do it builds the momentum (стимул).
                If we don’t fearlessly pursue (бесстрашно преследовать) these things,
                we start blaming ourselves (винить самих себя) for not taking action
                and the regret compounds  (компелкс сожалений).
                   The  Woulda,  Shoulda,  Coulda.    If  you  are clear  on  our
                    purpose and priorities  in  life,  you  can  create  the  personal  power
                    necessary to push through (идти дальше), and take action on the
                    things that matter most.
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