Page 4 - December 2020
P. 4
Welcome to the New Age
Part VI:
The Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius &
Tecumseh’s 20-Year Curse
December 21, 2020; 12:21 pm CST; gracefully navigate in situations when
Houston, TX the two conflict. Saturn also rules
the life structures we create (career,
“Let yourself become the space that lifestyle, social affiliations, etc.) to
welcomes any experience without support our personal definition of
judgment.” reality. Transiting Saturn always lays
(Tsoknyi Rinpoche) the groundwork for a redefinition
of reality relating to the sign, and
On December 16, 2020 Saturn will personally, to the house, through
enter Aquarius, where it will remain which it is transiting.
until March of 2023. She will be
joined two days later by Jupiter, which Coinciding with the 20-year cycle of
will also remain in Aquarius leading the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction, this
Saturn’s way, until 2021. The joining particular Saturn transit through
of Jupiter and Saturn at 0 degrees of Aquarius will have even greater
Aquarius, is an extremely significant impact on the collective experience
symbol that the New Age of Aquarius of reality than usual. Aquarius rules
is here. technology and the global network
experience, individuality, freedom and
As the “definer of reality”, the Saturn egalitarianism, and humanitarianism.
cycle describes a lifelong process All of these areas, and our experience
of re-establishing that definition in of them, are subject to redefinition in
the honest process of experiencing big and dramatic ways. Emphasis is
life. It is also our capacity to take on group collaboration rather than
responsibility for a personal definition individual accomplishment. For
of reality (internal understanding), Aquarius, “thinking outside the box”
rather than try to live according to is the norm, and letting your “freak
external “rules of society”, and to flag fly” is commendable. Aquarius