Page 5 - December 2020
P. 5
teaches us that we can’t solve problems in when the first of several presidents elected
traditional ways, but must approach them during these years coincidentally died
in completely new and original ways. in office. This phenomena has become
The creative inventors who are capable known as “Tecumseh’s Curse”, based
of this way of thinking will become our on the historical account of the 1811
new “heroes”. We can expect dramatic confrontation between Native Americans,
technological advances in all fields, from lead by Shawnee Chief Tecumseh, and
medicine to spyware, as well as greater then Governor William H. Harrison at
concern about the negative consequences the Battle of Tippecanoe. Tecumseh died
of our growing dependence on technology in battle in 1813, his body mutilated and
and what it’s doing to our brains and buried in a mass grave, and his dream of a
the brains of our children, as well as the Native American Confederacy died with
environment. Advances in robotics and him. Years later, in Harrison’s campaign for
artificial intelligence are likely to occur at the presidency, the battle was popularized
a rapid pace. One of the darker sides of in the song turned slogan “Tippecanoe and
Aquarius is the tendency to place a higher Tyler Too”. Although Harrison was elected
value on science and scientific progress in 1840, he died in 1841 shortly after his
than the Human component and its inaugural speech in March, and Tecumseh’s
consequences for Humanity. Historically, Curse began.
much devastation has occurred in the
name of “progress”. The potential abuse of 1840 – (Capricorn conjunction) William
technology will be a topic of much greater H. Harrison elected, died in office of
concern, and a major theme of the science pneumonia 4/4/41.
fiction genre of storytelling. 1860 – (Virgo conjunction) Abraham
Lincoln elected, assassinated while in
Every 20 years, the transiting cycle of office. Also coincides with The Civil War.
Jupiter and Saturn forms a conjunction of 1880 – (Taurus conjunction) James Garfield
these two socially influential forces, serving elected, assassinated while in office.
to redefine social consciousness and our 1900 – (Capricorn conjunction) McKinley
collective perception of reality. As the new elected, assassinated while in office.
awareness and vision of Jupiter collides 1920 – (Virgo conjunction) Warren
with the current social structures of Saturn Harding elected, died in office of heart
adopted to support it, dramatic social attack and/or possibly ptomaine poisoning.
change is inevitable. Just as individuals 1940 – (Taurus conjunction) Franklin
must grow and evolve according to the D. Roosevelt elected, died in office of a
times, so must the societies that they cerebral hemorrhage.
have created. This cycle has taken on a 1960 – (Capricorn conjunction) John F.
somewhat mystical meaning since 1840 Kennedy elected, assassinated while in 5