Page 10 - December 2020
P. 10
Do Essential Oils
Really Work?
Open the cap of your essential oil bottle • “Over the last decade or so, scientists
and simply take a deep breath to enjoy have discovered that odor receptors
its most notable characteristic: it has an are not solely confined to the nose, but
aroma! The aromatic chemistry found found throughout body — in the liver,
in the distilled form of plants, flowers, the heart, the kidneys and even sperm —
fruits, and spices is processed by our where they play a pivotal role in a host of
most powerful sense…our sense of smell. physiological functions.” ~Smell Turns
Up in Unexpected Places, NY Times
Our sense of smell is phenomenal; allow October 13, 2014.
me to share some intriguing concepts:
• The nose can distinguish more than Imagine the possibilities of these concepts
one trillion scents, according to new the next time your reach for your essential
research; far more discriminating than oils. How can we increase our own potential
previously thought. (Source: by using essential oils aromatically?
• As evidenced by our own experiences,
smells can trigger memories, quickly Why Diffuse Essential Oils?
transporting us to relive a past emotional Diffusing essential oils is a quick and
encounter. Most people I have asked easy way to enjoy the health benefits
affirm that they have at least one of essential oils! Here are my top three
significant smell memory. reasons to diffuse essential oils in your
home, car, or workplace.