Page 12 - December 2020
P. 12
oriented activities going on there. In environment, foster peaceful and
these high traffic rooms, a powerful intimate feeling
diffuser with a long run time of 6-8 → Favorite Essential Oils to diffuse:
hours or more is an excellent choice. Combine wood oils (Frankincense,
Vetiver, and/or Cedarwood) with flower
→ Diffusing goal: Cleanse the air, oils (Roman Chamomile, Lavender, and/
uplift the mood, create warm/inviting or Rose) to blanket the air with peace
atmosphere and serenity.
→ Favorite Essential Oils to diffuse: 3
drops each of Green Mandarin and Essential Oil Blend for Living Room
Grapefruit essential oils, sometimes with This room lives up to its namesake:
a drop or two of Cassia essential oil to It is for Living!! This is where it all
create the warmth I seek. happens…outside the kitchen, of course!
Gathering to watch a movie together,
Essential Oil Blend for Bedroom play a game, or simply read a book.
My bedroom is a private space to Having a versatile diffuser that is both
unwind after a long day, and is often decorative and functional is optimal.
used for prayer, reflection, and
sleep! The ideal diffuser for this → Diffusing goal: Playful, versatile,
room is quiet, low/no lights, and create connection with family and
an intermittent and low setting for friends
misting that will last the entire night. → Favorite Essential Oils to diffuse:
Equal amounts of Peppermint and Wild
→ Diffusing goal: Comfort and calm Orange essential oils are uplifting and
emotions, promote restful sleep create a burst of energy and happiness.