Page 11 - December 2020
P. 11
1. They cleanse the air in the room! validated their ability to improve mood,
Diffusing essential oils is a natural way reduce feelings of anxiousness and stress,
to remove unpleasant odors, rather than and create a relaxing environment.
just masking them. And with less risk
than other choices! Yes, there are lots of Selecting a Diffuser
options for “air fresheners” available in There are different types of diffusers
stores but these synthetic solutions include which create distinct experiences for
undesirable side effects. “Despite their you. To create the fine mist, they can
popularity, there are concerns that these use water and electronic frequencies
products increase indoor air pollution and (ultrasonic), high or low powered
pose a health risk, especially with long- streams of air (nebulizing or fan). There
term exposure.” ~Air Fresheners: Are They are options for colored lights, mist level,
Safe?, continuous and/or intermittent mist
settings, and length of mist time. Simply
“According to Anne Steinemann, a select the one that meets the needs of the
professor of civil engineering at the room in which it will be located.
University of Melbourne who has
extensively studied the health impacts There are many factors which will
of fragranced household products, one- determine which diffuser and/or
quarter of the ingredients in air fresheners essential oil to choose and how many
are classified as toxic or hazardous.” drops to add to your diffuser:
(Source: YIKES!! How big is the room? How close are you
to the diffuser? Do you want to set it and
2. They minimize effects of seasonal forget it or frequently change it up? Do
and environmental threats! you prefer strong or light aroma? Is it
When seasonal threats occur, respiratory in a high-traffic area? Are you alone in
discomfort often accompanies them. the room or with other people? Do you
Diffusing essential oils helps to promote prefer decorative or functional (or both)?
clear breathing, healthy respiratory Great answers to these questions starts
function, and are also cleansing for the with clarity of the goal you seek.
body systems.*
Essential Oil Blend for Kitchen
3. They uplift the mood! My kitchen and foyer have lofty ceilings,
One of the most well-researched and often welcome many guests
benefits of essential oils is their ability throughout the week. The kitchen is
to influence our moods and emotions. also the heart of my home and seems to
Numerous human clinical trials have draw people in to partake in the family- 11