Page 13 - December 2020
P. 13

Essential Oil Blend for Office
        Right now, many of us are working from
        home and it is important to create an

        environment that promotes productivity,  water near your diffuser.  This makes it
        creativity, and gives us the ability to                simple to fill and refill as needed.

        concentrate on the task at hand.
                                                               Essential oils are safe, therapeutically
        → Diffusing goal:  Promote focus,                      effective and very affordable.  However,

        creativity, reduce distractions                        not all essential oils are created equal!
        → Favorite Essential Oils to                           Be an educated consumer and use

        diffuse:  Combine one drop of each                     only certified pure, therapeutic grade
        Peppermint, Frankincense, Lemon,                       essential oils for your family!  Make
        Cypress, Sandalwood, and Melissa                       sure the chemistry you need is in the

        essential oils to discover your personal  bottle at your fingertips!
        expression of creativity.

                                                               Terri Pace
        Best Practices for Diffusing Essential Oils Certified Holistic Health Coach
        Clean your diffuser periodically to                    Terri Pace is a certified Holistic Health

        maximize the misting potential and                     Coach. She is an educator, sharing her
        extend the life of your device.  Check                 experiences and knowledge on the use of

        the manufacturer’s suggested cleaning                  simply natural solutions to support the
        and usage tips.  Make sure you are using               structure and functions of the body for
        distilled water, if recommended.                       optimal health and wellness. Terri invites

                                                               you to contact her for a FREE private,
        Using a diffuser is simple and creates                 personal wellness consultation and to get

        many health benefits.  However, just like a  samples of essential oils which can support
        gym membership, we must use it to enjoy  your specific wellness goals: simply.
        the benefits!  Simply having one in the         You can also find

        room does not add any value, so make it                short webinar recordings on different
        easy to get your diffuser going every day.             health topics on her Vimeo channel:

        Keep the oils you love and a container of    

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