Page 18 - December 2020
P. 18

us stuck forever, mostly using fear and                beyond imagination. In other words,
        attachment (addiction of every kind) to                Love and Liberation is easily realized

        that end. But the Soul/Higher Self has                 when we experience ourselves as spirits
        an above the forest view and sees how                  abiding in an infinite ocean of Bliss-

        the ego’s attempts to enslave will actually            Aliveness. But what happens when we
        eventually lead to Freedom. For example,               incarnate as human beings and feel that
        the ego thinks being born into a victimized  we are separate, solidified and vulnerable

        situation will make the person feel even               individuals – when we experience all
        more strongly identified with being a                  sorts of events and feelings that do not

        limited victim. But what the ego cannot                seem Loving? When the Truth of Love
        see is that this experience can impel one to  and Liberation is realized even from that
        finally break free from the victim identity,           seemingly solid and limited position,

        either through being totally done with it              the experience of Love becomes even
        (i.e. “hitting bottom) or through Divine               more indestructible and astoundingly

        intervention – when one is inspired to                 beautiful. If it seems impossible for
        go beyond. Usually it is a combination of              someone who experiences death, loss,
        both. You could view Jesus as someone                  suffering and injustice as absolutely real

        who was born with the ability to surrender  to awaken to a fundamentally different
        the tendency to judge and feel victimized              Reality where there is ONLY Love,

        through alignment with a Higher Love                   THAT is precisely why having an ego and
        (Christ Consciousness).                                then realizing the seemingly impossible
                                                               that we are Free, Loving and Powerful is

        Furthermore, the extraordinary journey                 such a monumental evolutionary event!
        of going from the illusion of being

        unloved and separate, which occurs                     What’s wrong with over-thinking?
        when we first incarnate as a human                     Thinking is imagination. It is a beautiful
        being, to finally awakening to the Truth               and awesome tool for invention and

        that we are Unconditionally Loved                      creativity. But when this powerful force of
        makes the experience of Love even                      ingenuity is aligned with fear, greed and

        more immutable and awe-inspiring                       insensitivity the results are catastrophic.
        than without having gone through                       This is why going beyond thinking is so
        such a challenging ritual. You could say               critical at this juncture in human evolution.

        that God, Consciousness, has created                   Real Life and Love is the ENERGY, the
        scenario where It can experience                       Life Force. It cannot be found in thinking

        Infinite Love in the most challenging                  – information, concepts and imagination.
        and unlikely places. This is extremely                 Most of us are not living LIFE, we are
        satisfying, blissful and Love-affirming                “living” in our head of mental concepts.

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