Page 19 - December 2020
P. 19
If evolutionary forces are Loving us so In other words, just when
completely and unconditionally, why evolutionary forces are trying to help
does there seem to be even more conflict humanity let go of having a fixed
and division in the world now? position so that more Life, Love and
Intelligence can enter in, our knee
In times of immense change and jerk reaction is to resist and assert our
uncertainty, in an attempt to regain a solidified point of view.
sense of security and safety, we tend to
even more forcefully and desperately So how can I open to Love rather than
assert our view as being right, superior, resist it. How can I receive the blessings
more intelligent or more loving. We that you say are raining down upon us
blame, judge and attack other people’s at this time?
points of view from our fixed position, Practice the meditation offered in
while they themselves are also desperately this publication. It helps us let go of
trying to affirm and cling to their fixed over-thinking by focusing on Energy,
position. This is the cause of much of the rather than thoughts. It also helps to
strife we see in the world today. We like reveal the fact that thoughts are wispy
to think that the problems in the world mirages that seem so powerful only
are caused by “ignorant” people doing because we take them to be real and
“bad” things because their point of view feed them with so much attention.
is “wrong.” However, the real opportunity Persistence and consistency is the key.
now is to free ourselves from our own Do the practice at least once a day, up
inner limitations so that we may begin to to three times a day.
open to Universal Life. 19