Page 17 - December 2020
P. 17
How to recover from losses? and even harder to see because of eons
There is no need to recover from losses. of conditioning, but unless we begin to
Losses are a natural part of any physical directly open to Life Energy and Love,
form. In fact, “loss” doesn’t exist except which has no fear or beliefs, this lie of
as a concept invented by the ego-mind. non-Love will continue.
From Nature’s perspective, there is no
loss, just the perfectly orchestrated flow Children are free from personal
of Life. Loss and Grace are equivalent. limitations and constraints. Why are
They both help us let go of the real they suffering from diseases, hunger,
cause of suffering, which is our inner and abuse?
conditioning and beliefs. This is hard Children are not blank slates. This is
to see, but everything else is not truly obvious to any parent with more than
liberating and only reinforces the root one child or anyone who just observes
cause of suffering. children. They come in with unique
attributes whether through a long history
I can’t understand how my pain can of past lives or through the DNA (and
be an expression of universal love. Or maybe they are different expressions of
if I am unconditionally loved, why the same thing). Children are not any
am I forced to go through all these more or less “innocent” than an adult.
challenges? How can mere age affect the Reality of
The vast majority of pain is caused by what we have experienced and what we
believing (much deeper than the usual are here to do? We are ALL evolving
idea of belief — more like an assumed through the Love and Direction of
reality) that we are not Unconditionally the Higher Self. When children are
Loved. As usual, the ego has things born they are initially usually more
in total reversal. We are actually connected with the Divine realm from
perpetuating this misapprehension which they came and appear to be more
through our inner convictions. The world innocent and pure, but gradually, past
is not harming us. How could it? Life conditioning begins to get triggered
is always life-affirming. It is so simple, and is reinforced more and more by
but as humans we have disconnected our response to the world. This is not a
ourselves from this truth. In fact, the mistake but yet another opportunity to
very questioning of why there is pain and complete the lessons and tasks for which
why we are forced to go through things we incarnated.
has the inherent assumption that we are
not fully Unconditionally Loved in every Does our ego help us or hurt us?
way. Again, I know this is hard to believe The ego has every intention to keep 17