Page 24 - December 2020
P. 24
Will 5G Make
You Sick?
First, what exactly is 5G? 5G is the is that because these 5G waves are more
5th Generation of mobile network intense, they will cause more harm
technology, designed to provide even than the technologies we are already
faster connection than its predecessor, using. It is important to understand
4G/LTE. We use this technology to get that the question we’re trying to answer
internet on cell phones. is whether 5G is more dangerous than
current technology. As mentioned, it’s
5G is essentially communication between well-documented that radiation from
devices that uses higher frequency our devices can cause issues ranging
waves, which allow information to be from neurological diseases to cancer
transmitted more quickly. Over the – so nobody is expecting for 5G to be
last several years, this technology has perfectly safe. I have done some research
generated quite a bit of controversy, to try to answer that question, and here
mainly due to concerns around its effects is what I’ve found.
on the human health. Generally, the
concerns arise because there is a lot of Things are much less clear than I
research demonstrating the negative expected. First, there hasn’t actually been
health consequences of radiation from much research on this issue. According to
our everyday technology like cell many scientists, that’s exactly the problem.
phones, WiFi and Bluetooth. The logic It’s not that 5G has been demonstrated to