Page 28 - December 2020
P. 28
Cooking for Healing
Dark Chocolate Cranberry
Oatmeal Cookies
Stephanie Davidian
These healthy Christmas cookies are sure to be a hit during the holidays!
Antioxidant rich dark chocolate and cranberries united with fiber rich oatmeal is
a great way to stay healthy, and enjoy some sweets as well!
Ingredients One half cup granulated sugar
Three cups old fashion oats Two eggs
One cup dried cranberries One teaspoon vanilla
One cup dark chocolate chips One and a half cups of flour
One cup butter One teaspoon baking soda
One cup brown sugar One teaspoon cinnamon
One half teaspoon salt
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Cream
the butter and sugar in a bowl, then beat
in the eggs one at a time before adding
the vanilla.
Whisk the flour, baking soda, salt and
cinnamon in a different bowl, then add
the dry mix to the wet mix slowly until
combined. Stir in the oats, cranberries,
and dark chocolate.
Using a tablespoon, drop the dough onto
Subscribe for Free till a cookie sheet and bake for about 10-12
January 1, 2021
minutes, or until golden brown.
28 Enjoy!