Page 25 - December 2020
P. 25
be extremely dangerous, but more that So, will 5G make you sick? Given what
we just don’t know much about it yet, and we know so far about 5G and other
companies are already putting up towers similar radiation, it’s a near certainty
that will be pumping out 5G. There are that 5G will have some negative health
several reasons why researchers believe effects. It also seems very likely that 5G
that we do have reason to worry. The effects will be at least different, if not
existing 5G studies only considered 5G actually worse, than the effects of our
in isolation, without combining it with existing radiation exposure, causing
all the other radiation we experience. unpredicted health problems. What
These different kinds of radiation have concerns me more broadly is the fact
been shown to have a combined effect, that we allow companies to take the
worsening the consequences of each lead and fund super expensive projects
other. So, there is reason to believe without consulting with scientists on
that the current findings about 5G how safe their initiatives are going to be
underestimate the real effects because of for humans and life on Earth. What is
the “pristine” experimental conditions. more alarming is the fact that most of
the public has no clear idea what they
Interestingly, there was active research are offered, and no real choice as to
into this subject by the USSR in 1970’s, whether or not there is a 5G tower next
followed by the US later decades, which to their home tomorrow.
has only been declassified in 2012.
Although the experiments used extremely Vladimir Belik
large amounts of radiation (which we
wouldn’t experience), they showed us References:
something potentially crucial that we “Adverse health effects of 5G mobile
might not be considering yet. Most networking technology under real-life
conversation around 5G safety revolves conditions” – R. Kostoff, P. Heroux, M.
around its effects on the skin and eyes. Aschner, A. Tsatsakis, May 2020
This is because 5G waves, though they “5G Wireless Technology: Millimeter Waves
are intense, can only penetrate a few Health Effects” – J. Mosckowitz, November 2018
millimeters deep. However, the Soviet
research showed more complicated effects “Health and Safety Issues Concerning
on the body, where the heart, liver, kidney Exposure of the General Public to
and spleen tissue were indirectly impacted Electromagnetic Energy from 5G Wireless
as well. This is likely due to some kind of Communication Networks” – J. Bushberg, C.
Chou, K. Foster, R. Kavet, D. Maxson, R. Tell,
chemical signals released by the directly- M. Ziskin, June 2020
affected skin cells. 25