Page 4 - My Indigo Sun March 2025
P. 4

Expression Number 2:

                                      The Peaceful Diplomat

        Have you ever felt an innate ability to bring           While your birth name holds the original

        calm to a tense situation, smooth over                  vibration of your Expression Number,
        disagreements, and guide people toward                  names can evolve. Whether through
        understanding? If so, you’re already                    nicknames, name changes, or shortened

        channeling the energy of Expression                     versions, the energy of your name shifts
        Number 2. This number carries the energy                subtly over time. Yet, the essence of your

        of harmony, cooperation, and diplomacy.                 birth name remains a guiding influence.
        It’s all about actively creating peace and
        fostering meaningful connections.                       Why does this matter? Your Expression

                                                                Number offers a roadmap to
        What Is the Expression Number?                          understanding what you’re naturally

        Also known as the Destiny Number, your                  inclined to do and how you’re best
        Expression Number comes from the total                  equipped to do it. It highlights your

        values of the letters in your full birth name           preferences, strengths, and even talents
        – first, middle, and last. It represents the            you’ve already mastered.

        how behind your journey, revealing the
        natural talents, abilities, and attitudes you           In short, it helps you answer the question:
        bring into this life. These gifts are encoded           What am I here to do?

        in the letters of your name, reflecting
        strengths and skills refined over lifetimes.            (For a deeper dive into the Expression

        Think of your Expression Number as a set                Number’s significance, check out my blog
        of tools to help fulfill your purpose.                  article: Your Name, Your Destiny: The

                                                                Power of the Expression Number.)

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