Page 9 - My Indigo Sun March 2025
P. 9
Venus Retrograde:
How Do I Love Me? Let me Count the Ways …
From March 1 through April 12, 2025, the a journey without joy, uninspiring
planet Venus travels in retrograde drudgery and not quite worth it for
motion, affording us the opportunity to many. In Tarot, she is the Empress,
review, re-evaluate, redefine and pregnant with creative potential, and
“upgrade” our value systems. Venus is the holding the secret to its manifestation.
character within (internal psychic
construct) that defines that which we Mythologically, Venus is symbolized in
value, and therefore seek to attract into all cultures as a powerful Goddess
our lives. She rules both the aesthetic Principle of great paradox. She is the
sense (definer of beauty) and the Greek Athena, Goddess of both Love
sensory/physical Pleasure Principle. Her and War. For the Sumerians, She is
role as Lover/Seductress defines our Inanna/Ishtar, the Goddess of Fertility
feminine sexual ideal and our capacity to and the fierce and fickle disrupter of
use our “feminine wiles” to draw to us peace, often surrounded by death and
that which we deem to be worthy or disaster. Astrologically, that same
define as a valuable resource. She is our paradox is evidenced by the fact that,
evaluator of resources, and holds the key traditionally, She is considered to be
to our own “natural” resources, those the ruler of both practical, earthy, fixed
qualities, abilities and innate skills that we Taurus, and relationship oriented, airy,
need to develop and grow to achieve our cardinal Libra, two extremely different
greatest creative potential. Instinctually, signs by nature. Perhaps it’s time to
Venus is the feminine survival instinct, to embrace a new ruler for Libra, one that
“tend and befriend” and preserve reflects the fiercer, warrior side of
community/social alignments as a source Venus. I propose that the perfect
of support, as opposed to the Mars ruled candidate for this role is Eris, Goddess
masculine survival instinct of “fight or of Discord, discovered twenty years
flight” and the need to protect/defend ago in January 2005. As always, the
territory against all perceived threats. An discovery of a new planet heralds
important aspect of the feminine survival humanity’s evolutionary readiness to
instinct the need to prioritize those things make a quantum leap in consciousness
that makes life worth living. Without and embrace a new level of awareness
pleasure and beauty, life would indeed be regarding the principles of both the
My Indigo Sun - 9