Page 11 - My Indigo Sun March 2025
P. 11

It is always challenging to assert a new                 Venus retrograde is a good time to

        version of Self to the world, as it tends                evaluate and assess the stability of our
        to threaten those closest to us and                      resources on all levels. As we grow and

        risks rejection from previous                            experience life, the things that have
        social/cultural alignments no longer                     greatest value for us change. What

        compatible with one’s growth. It is easy                 constitutes a “precious resource” today is
        to fall into self-doubt in response to                   likely to be very different from what it was
        such reflections. As Venus travels                       five years ago. Value systems must evolve

        retrograde, we have the opportunity to                   with us, and every so often, it is important
        assess and work on our own level of                      to adapt our goals and pursuits to

        self-worth as it is measured by the                      accommodate the upgrade. This might
        reflections in our lives. Simply put,                    take the form of a subtle shift in

        people who value themselves do not                       perception, like the awareness that you are
        align with others who don’t. They                        no longer drawn to collect antique dishes,

        assume that they are worthy of love,                     or a particular color pallet that no longer
        respect and support from others, and                     pleases your aesthetic, so it’s time to
        will tolerate nothing less. People who                   redecorate. But sometimes this requires a

        value themselves allow for guilt free                    dramatic change in lifestyle choices. If
        pleasure in their lives and willingly                    owning that home becomes a burden, the

        engage with people and things that                       freedom of apartment living becomes
        delight the senses and enhance beauty,                   enticing. Time and peace of mind become
        whatever they perceive that to be.                       more precious than the income earned

        Venus retrograde is an excellent time                    from that job you’ve grown to hate. Alone
        to assess the reflections in our lives. Do               time becomes preferable to the energy

        I choose to fill my life with people,                    drain of meaningless social engagement. If
        things and activities that bring me joy                  resources like freedom, time, peace of

        and reflect a healthy level of self-                     mind and need for space grow in value, and
        esteem, self-worth and self-love? Are                    prove to be incompatible with your current

        my “desires” attainable goals, or simply                 lifestyle choices, now is the time to explore
        pipedreams that serve to make me                         alternatives. Although the period of
        miserable with unfulfilled longing? Do I                 retrograde motion is not the time to act on

        prioritize (schedule and plan for)                       the impulse of new awareness, it is an
        pleasurable experiences (things,                         excellent time to explore the possibilities,

        people, activities) in my life?                          play with new ideas, and plan and
                                                                 strategize for future action to be taken.

                                                                                                      My Indigo Sun - 11
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