Page 14 - My Indigo Sun March 2025
P. 14

Puer and Senex:

                   Two Archetypes Currently Playing Themselves Out

     This is a very complicated subject that I                   At this time I read a book by Liz Greene

     actually delved deeply into in the mid                      and Howard Sasportas called The
     90s. For several years off and on, I was                    Development of the Personality, where

     having a recurring dream of my car being                    there is a chapter on the Puer Aeternus
     damaged or stolen so my unconscious                         archetype. Marie Louise Von Franz also
     (the dream maker) was seriously trying to                   wrote an extensive book titled Puer

     get my attention. The final BIG dream                       Aeternus on the subject and James
     was of a young boy who was stealing my                      Hillman wrote Puer Papers. There are a

     car. This dream was a very detailed story                   few others … The Peter Pan Syndrome
     that said I was his accomplice! I was                       and The Flying Boy.

     helping him escape from the law. I won’t
     tell the entire dream as it was long but at                 Peter Pan, i.e.the puer aeternus — the

     the end as we stood together, out of                        eternal child like the fairy tale who lived
     breath from running, we leaned against                      in never, never land — as an archetype
     my car and I asked him, “What day were                      lives inside everyone. The female version

     you born?” He told me the day and the                       is called the puella. Often drawn to the
     year. I wrote the dream down and then                       vastness of the unconscious, especially

     went to the Ephemeris (a book                               the collective realms where myths,
     Astrologers use to see where the planets                    symbols and archetypes live, I knew from

     are to calculate a birth chart) and looked                  that dream that it was a strong part of
     up where the planets were on his                            my own inherent psychology.

     birthday. They were 90% identical to
     mine. This was one of the many                              The Astrological signs that have a
     numinous experiences I had when I                           stronger propensity than others to live

     started studying both Jung and                              out and embody this archetype are
     Astrology. From experiences like this, I                    people with a dominant

     knew for certain that the collective                        Mercurial/Gemini, Jupiter/Sagittarius
     unconscious is alive inside of us as Carl                   and sometimes Aquarius/Uranus and/or
     Jung posited. You can’t make this stuff                     Pisces/Neptune for various reasons.

     up. It’s real. My passion for studying                      Everyone has all twelve signs in different
     Jung, astrology, symbolism and dreams                       strengths and at different times in our

     became intense. I was awed, intrigued                       lives, they become more dominant but
     and delighted at the same time.                             for some it becomes a life-long theme.

     14- My Indigo Sun
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