Page 12 - My Indigo Sun March 2025
P. 12

Venus retrograde is a good time to
       explore creative potential and work to

       develop innate talents and natural
       abilities, and to hone skills. These are, in

       fact, our greatest resources. Making
       good use of our most natural skills,
       talents, and abilities by “putting them to

       work” at income producing endeavors
       or via hobbies or volunteer efforts,

       provides a special kind of self-
       fulfillment and personal satisfaction.
       Doing what comes naturally sets us up

       to succeed and holds a greater promise
       for ego enhancing feedback from the

       outer world. If we do what we are good
       at, and love what we do, we can’t help

       but be successful. In contrast, going
       against the grain, or fighting one’s own

       nature, requires a level of energy
       expenditure that is exhausting. Venus
       retrograde tends to exaggerate that

       exhaustion, to make us more aware of                    retrograde affords us all the
       those areas of life and activities that                 opportunity to do this most important

       leave us feeling energetically bankrupt,                work. It is only through self-exploration
       and encourage us to make better                         that we can recognize how our value

       choices about how, where, and with                      systems have changed, and how our
       whom we spend our precious energy.                      lives must also change accordingly.

                                                               Venus reentering Pisces reminds us
       Everyone of us has value. It is up to each              that, as with all things, love begins at
       individual to determine his/her/its own                 home. Our ability to truly love and

       value/worth and to find the most fulfilling             accept others is directly proportionate
       way to express and share it with the                    to our capacity for unconditional self-

       world. If we lack this awareness, we can’t              love and acceptance. May you choose
       be true to ourselves, and desperately                   to walk in beauty and grace the world

       seek validation for our value from others,              with your magnificent presence!
       which almost always leaves us feeling

       disappointed and unworthy. Venus                           By Kimberly McSherry

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