Page 16 - My Indigo Sun March 2025
P. 16

Capricorn builds; Gemini explores.                        We are seeing strong divisiveness.
      Capricorn commits; Gemini experiments.                    Extreme polarizations usually happen

      Capricorn represents the wisdom of                        before balance occurs as we can attest
      time, while Gemini dances in the                          to in our personal relationships.
      moment. There is a constant pull                          Sometimes we will take either side of an

      between flexibility, versatility and                      extreme in our character before we
      spontaneity (puer/Gemini) and the drive                   recognize the shadow side is the

      for success, mastery, and stability                       opposite. To become complete and
      (senex/Capricorn). It’s a rich but                        whole we need our shadow. When

      sometimes challenging tension, like                       unbalanced, the puer can become
      wanting to stay light and free while also                 reckless, naive, or utopian, while the

      desiring success, lasting achievement or                  senex can become authoritarian, cynical,
      grounding oneself by owning a business.                   or resistant to necessary change.
      Gemini, with its air-element nature,

      thrives on movement, ideas, and                           Patterns are emerging, revealing
      freedom from constraints, while                           something deeper is trying to break

      Capricorn, being an earth sign, is deeply                 through and for that we need our puer
      rooted in material reality and                            consciousness. We need both as true

      responsibility.                                           freedom isn’t just escape from being
                                                                accountable; it’s the ability to create, to

      Collectively, this tension plays itself out               commit and to grow. Individually, we are
      in culture and politics. Societies oscillate              all navigating this balance whenever a
      between youthful revolution and                           part of us wants to remain free, unbound

      conservative order, between innovation                    by responsibility (puer), while another
      and tradition. The puer fuels movements,                  part is urging us toward integrity,

      new ideas and the rejection of old                        stability and mastery (senex). When one
      systems. While the senex stabilizes and                   dominates too much, we feel either lost
      preserves wisdom — it can also stagnate                   in dreams or trapped in rigid structures

      into fear, control and oppression. This                   that have lost their vitality. When
      archetypal pull between the puer and                      balanced, the two will create a healthier

      senex seems to be the strong tension                      dynamic — fresh ideas and profound
      currently stirring things up in our                       change guided by wisdom and earned

      collective psychology.                                    respect

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