Page 19 - My Indigo Sun March 2025
P. 19
an old saying goes, “When a man I was not the only one who warned him about
marries his secretary, it creates a his poor diet. He loved huge steak dinners,
job opening.” Many described her as watching football, and chasing women—a
highly manipulative, constantly lifestyle that took a heavy toll on his health. His
vying for control of his $250 million hands showed clear signs of cardiovascular
fortune. strain, yet it was pancreatic cancer that
ultimately claimed him at age 71. The world lost
Like many men reluctant to put all a musical giant.
their emotions into one person,
Pavarotti lived by the belief that “If The Markings of Fate
one woman is not enough, a The Belgian philosopher Maurice Maeterlinck
thousand won’t be.” once wrote:
"The man for whom the hour of misfortune has
Superstitions and Struggles sounded is caught up by an invisible whirlwind.
Pavarotti never forgot the poverty of For years, unseen forces conspire through
his childhood in Modena, Italy, innumerable incidents, leading him to the exact
where he first sang in the church moment and place where fate awaits him."
choir. His father was strict, which Pavarotti’s hands revealed fascinating insights
crushed his confidence. Even as an about his life’s journey:
adult, he would keep iron nails in his 1. A long, thick Destiny Line – Suggests he was
pocket and carry small religious here for a specific purpose. His hand also
relics to ward off bad luck. This bore healer markings, indicating that his
deep-seated insecurity stayed with voice had a deeply healing quality.
him throughout his life, despite his 2. A strong, tall Mercury (pinky) finger –
larger-than-life persona. Signifying exceptional communication
He often sought psychic readings, 3. A thick Heart Line – Indicated congestion in
but no matter how high he climbed, the arteries, often linked to a diet high in
he always feared he wasn’t good animal fats.
enough. Critics often joked that he 4. A weakened Health Line meeting the Life
had only three passions in life: food, Line at age 70 – Suggesting declining health.
football, and women. 5. An oval or “egg” shape at the end of the
Life Line – A common sign of a
predisposition to cancer.
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