Page 23 - My Indigo Sun March 2025
P. 23
This comports with the Gnostic creation Consciousness was the way in,
story. The Source projected other beings consciousness is the way out. The
by limiting or stepping down Its kingdom of heaven is within and we can
Consciousness (energy). Only in this trace our way back to our source by
manner could projected beings have a elevating our consciousness.
sense of individuality otherwise they Unconscious> Subconscious> Conscious>
would just be absorbed back into the Superconscious would seem to be the
infinite Source energy. So, limitation, or reverse-engineered pathway. This may
lower frequency energy in scientific entail study, observation, meditation, and
terms, is essential to a sense of the accumulation of higher knowledge but
individuality. it lies within all of our capabilities.
Remember our power grid analogy? We Hindu sages had a saying: "This world is
can't utilize the power of the raw source the playground in which God fools
energy so it gets stepped down through a Himself." Only in this manner can spirit
series of transformers and relay stations energy experience itself as being physical,
that correspond to our biological (brain) only in this manner can a physical entity
and psychological (mind) functions. Our be the vessel for higher energies. Once
essential soul energies thereby become this is realized, we can, like Dorothy and
usable in physical forms. The layers of her companions, begin to pull open the
body and mind are like circuit breakers veil and see the Wizard of Oz behind the
allowing our true natures to reside in curtain.
lower states of energy without suffering
the fate of poor Semele.
Peter Canova
What Has Been Hidden Shall Be Revealed Peter Canova is an international businessman
Through this elaborate mechanism of who, after a series of life-changing spiritual
concealing what we truly are, like the experiences, began writing on spirituality and
consciousness. He is the author of the 25x
holodeck in the Star Trek series, we've award-winning First Souls Trilogy and has
immersed ourselves into a virtual reality contributed to the popular Chicken Soup for the
as characters so involved that we've Soul series. His latest book, Quantum
forgotten we are the programmers. But, a Spirituality, swept the American Book Fest
way exists to exit the maze. Awards in four categories.
My Indigo Sun - 23