Page 25 - My Indigo Sun March 2025
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into Spring!
Spring is a time of renewal, and what better These painted rocks can be scattered throughout
way to celebrate the season than with some your garden or placed along pathways, adding a
fun and creative crafts? As flowers bloom, personal and playful touch to your outdoor
birds return, and the weather warms up, it's the space.These painted rocks can be scattered
perfect opportunity to dive into DIY projects throughout your garden or placed along
that capture the essence of spring. Whether pathways, adding a personal and playful touch to
your outdoor space.
you're crafting with kids, decorating your 4. DIY Spring Wreaths: A seasonal wreath is a
home, or just looking for a relaxing hobby, wonderful way to welcome spring into your
spring crafts offer endless possibilities. home. You can make a wreath using grapevine,
wire, or foam as a base and then decorate it
1. Flower Paper Crafts: Nothing says spring like with artificial or real flowers, ribbons, and
colorful flowers, and making paper flowers is a greenery. You can even get creative with other
simple and enjoyable craft. Using tissue paper, materials like burlap, beads, or even painted
construction paper, or even recycled eggs for an Easter-inspired wreath.
materials, you can create vibrant flowers to 5. Upcycled Birdfeeders: Spring is a great time
brighten up any space. Try making a beautiful to attract more birds into your yard. Why not
flower garland or arranging them in a vase for a craft your own birdfeeder using simple
materials like toilet paper rolls, pinecones, or
cheerful spring centerpiece. empty bottles? These upcycled birdfeeders
2. Nature-Inspired Collages: Take a walk can be filled with seeds and hung from trees,
outside and gather natural materials like providing food for local wildlife while also
leaves, twigs, and flowers. Use these items to adding a fun touch to your spring garden.
create a unique nature-inspired collage. This
craft is great for all ages and allows you to Spring crafts allow you to embrace the vibrant
connect with nature while expressing your colors, textures, and natural beauty of the
creativity. You can frame your collage or turn it season. Whether you're making something
into a greeting card. functional like a birdfeeder or creating
3. Painted Rock Garden Decorations: Give decorations to fill your home with warmth,
your garden a whimsical touch with painted these crafts provide an opportunity to slow
down and enjoy the beauty around you. So
rocks. This easy craft involves collecting gather your supplies, unleash your creativity,
smooth, flat stones and decorating them with and make this spring extra special with DIY
bright colors, patterns, or even cute designs projects that bring a little joy into your life.
like ladybugs or butterflies.
Stephanie Westbrook
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