Page 24 - My Indigo Sun March 2025
P. 24

Astrological Insights for March 2025


    The month of March begins with Venus                    Typically, a retrograde Mercury brings

    turning retrograde on March 2. In                       increased anxiety, communication
    general, a retrograde Venus signifies a                 breakdowns, unexpected delays,
    challenging phase for women,                            frustrations, missed deadlines,

    relationships, marriages, home life,                    unforeseen obstacles, and disruptions in
    lovers, and the entertainment industry. daily routines. With Mercury retrograding

    Expect an increase in divorce rates,                    in Pisces, these challenges may be
    intensified conflicts between spouses,                  particularly pronounced for healthcare

    and heightened delays, frustrations,                    providers, including doctors, nurses, and
    and misunderstandings in domestic                       hospitals, as well as for social reformers,

    matters.                                                nonprofit organizations, asylums,
                                                            prisons, and caregivers.
    A total lunar eclipse will occur on

    March 13/14, approximately between                      If Mercury is dominant in your birth chart and
    4:00 and 10:00 GMT, with totality                       is currently an active planet in your transit

    taking place from around 6:00 to 8:00                   chart, you are likely to experience stronger
    GMT. According to Vedic astrology, this effects of this retrograde, particularly in
    eclipse may be particularly challenging                 matters related to the house Mercury is

    for individuals with sidereal Virgo or                  transiting in your Gochar (transit) chart.
    Pisces as their rising or Moon sign. On                 However, individuals with Leo, Libra,

    the global stage, regions including the                 Sagittarius, Aquarius, Taurus, or Gemini as
    western part of Europe, the United                      their ninefold ascendant are least likely to be

    States, Canada, South America,                          significantly affected during this period.
    Mexico, and the Pacific island regions—

    particularly Hawaii—could experience                    Read the full article here.
    significant or disruptive events during
    this period.                                            Jagdish Maheshri

                                                            Professional Vedic Astrologer
    On March 15, Mercury turns retrograde                   Read Google reviews by google

    in sidereal Pisces and will remain in                   searching, “Astro Insight”
    retrograde motion until April 7.                        For more information about

                                                            services and classes please visit


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