Page 15 - My Indigo Sun March 2025
P. 15

When the puer is active or dominant, this                  They often live in apartments instead of

      eternal youth thrives on excitement,                      dealing with the hard responsibilities of
      adventure, discovery and novelty.                         owning a home. This young boy child can

      Having the spark of inspiration in their                  be alive and kicking in the unconscious of
      souls, they are also creative, talented                   a woman. As a part of her own Animus,

      and visionary. They long for and dream                    the contra-sexual dimension of her
      about limitlessness, the infinite                         psyche as my dream demonstrated, so
      possibilities of youth and the intoxicating               this is not just about men.

      desire to fly high above the ground,
      hover over mountain peaks which                           As with everything, by the law of

      symbolizes not having to come down to                     opposites, there is an eternal dance
      earth. Strongly puer consciousness also                   between the puer aeternus (eternal youth)

      has an attraction to birds like Eagles who                and the senex (wise old man or rigid old
      fly high. Eagles made me think of John                    age). They are opposites, yet they need

      Denver who wrote the song Rocky                           each other. The puer brings vitality,
      Mountain High, Colorado who died in an                    imagination and a sense of possibility,
      airplane crash. He likely carried the puer                while the senex offers structure, discipline

      aeternus archetype within him. Marie                      to make something happen in the world
      Louise Von Franz wrote in Puer Aeternus                   and wisdom to appreciate what has

      that many do become pilots and die                        endured from making commitments.
      young instead of dying from old age.                      Without the senex, the puer can become
                                                                lost in fantasy and escapism into dreaming

      Another theme in the puer aeternus is a                   their life away. Without the puer, the senex
      man who embodies a strong Mother                          can become rigid, cynical or oppressive.

      complex that manifests as a hard time                     Jung and Hillman both explored this
      making commitments as that would be                       tension — how the puer resists time and

      too final, too grounded, too real. Elusive,               responsibility, while the senex resists
      ambiguous and evasive about what they                     change and spontaneity. In a healthy

      want, they display a rather introverted                   psyche, they balance each other: the
      separation from the reality going on                      senex grounds the dreams of the puer,
      around them.                                              and the puer keeps the senex from

                                                                becoming lifeless and rigid.
      These men are youthful in appearance,

      quite charming and great lovers, yet they                 Capricorn, ruled by Saturn (senex), is the sign
      sidestep the weight of marriage, children,                that embodies self-control, discipline, and long-

      mortgages and the humdrum of dinners                      term planning. Gemini, ruled by Mercury (puer),
      with the in-laws as that requires realism                 thrives on curiosity, adaptability, and

      and maturity.                                             playfulness.

                                                                                                      My Indigo Sun -15
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