Page 17 - My Indigo Sun March 2025
P. 17

The savior archetype often emerges as a                    leading to either martyrdom or tyranny. Others
    response to the puer-senex tension. It can                 may fall into extremes: a rigid ruler who then

    represent the bridge between the two —                     becomes oppressive or a reckless dreamer who
    someone who offers liberation (puer) while                 destabilizes everything. In this day and time, we
    also embodying wisdom and responsibility                   are offered the choice of leaders who embody

    (senex). The savior transcends but does                    balance — bringing fresh energy, free speech and
    not escape; they redeem, integrate, and                    true freedom, while respecting tradition and

    transform. In mythology and religion,                      enduring societal structures that are proven
    saviors often come from above (puer,                       safeguards for the many.

    divine messenger) yet take on earthly
    burdens (senex, suffering, sacrifice).                     Carl Jung believed the only thing that would

    Christ, for example, embodies the eternal                  save us required the individual’s
    child in his miraculous birth and lightness                accountability, moral responsibility and
    of being, yet also the wise old man through                owning our own shadow. This goes for

    his teachings, suffering and ultimate                      cultures and societies as well, but he strongly
    sacrifice. Psychologically, the puer often                 felt it was the individual’s efforts that evolve

    seeks a savior, someone who will lift them                 the Godhead. He said, “If a world-wide
    beyond earthly struggles. But real                         consciousness could arise that all division
    salvation — inner or collective — requires                 and all antagonism are due to the splitting of

    integrating both energies. You can’t just                  opposites in the psyche, then one would
    ascend (puer); you must also endure and                    really know where to begin.” To evolve as a

    build (senex). The savior complex is deeply                collective, we must move forward
    embedded in those who aim and seek                         responsibly, while being open to the

    power. Leaders, revolutionaries, and                       possibilities of constructive change. As each
    visionaries often position themselves as                   of us makes the required effort to see the

    liberators (puer) while taking on the                      true values of both sides, we will generate the
    mantle of authority and control (senex).                   balance of the opposites in our own psyches.
    The danger is when the savior believes

    only they can “rescue” society,                            Rebeca Eigen

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