Page 11 - January 2022
P. 11
Remember 2 rules when it comes to your circumstances! If you’re stuck in a rut,
spiritual energy and resonance: use tools of positive energy to raise your
1: Agency is the law of the universe - vibration: prayer or meditation, crystals,
You are in complete control of your tones, herbs, etc.
energy and don’t have to be tuned to
any vibration you don’t want to! Set the The video below shows how vibrations
intention in your mind, body and soul interact with the physical world. If
that you will only accept frequencies you sound has this kind of impact on sand
resonate with and will block what does and water, just imagine how everything
not serve you! around us impacts us all the time:
2: Like attracts Like - staying in a
resonance, high or low, will attract
similar energy. Focusing on the negative
will draw in more negative, while having By Kalen P C Nielsen
a sunny outlook will bring positive Holistic Practitioner 11