Page 7 - January 2022
P. 7
underneath the ego’s desires of wanting
to be validated.
2. Let go of pride and self-doubt.
Embrace and accept your positive and
negative qualities.
Take responsibility for everything in
your life and embrace it as collecting
soul wisdom. This IS part of owning
your worth. The impact you make on
others, good and bad. Become aware
of how your behavior is affecting
others. This is the beginning of the
awakening process. Transformation
is often brought about by illness and
misfortunes, break ups, or accidents in
your life. They cause you to evaluate and
pay attention to what truly matters.
3. Embrace your emotions and
honor your thoughts. They can’t be
gold of spiritual alchemy. It restructures your isolated or separated. It is like holding
core values to essential values and releases on to resenting someone in your
self-doubt, self-loathing, and judgment. mind while trying to forgive them in
your heart. Become aware of your
Spiritual alchemy allows your fullest authentic feelings. Use and be willing
potential to unfold. It strengthens your to experience your anger, frustration,
intuitive connection with your higher and disappointments. Don’t stuff it away
self-awakening and empowering your because it is the right thing to do.
Divine Self. 4. Create inner space to truly and
honestly accept all the parts of your
Steps to spiritual alchemy authentic self. Allow all of your
1.Find the beliefs keeping you from unconscious thoughts and feelings to
happiness and break them down. bubble up to the surface and into the
Create new beliefs. Let go of the desire light of conscious awareness. Journaling
to be right, to be the best or perfect, they and spending alone time contemplating
all destroy happiness. It is the desire to and meditating help to do it.
be validated that creates self-doubt, self- 5. Rebirth your authentic and divine
sabotaging and pride. Search what is self. Your true self. Your conscious and 7