Page 15 - February 2021
P. 15

1. What are the signs that my behavior is  except as it is judged as such. Once there
        ego-driven?                                            is complete acceptance, any action or

                                                               non-action will come from a place of clear
        There are three primary ways through                   seeing rather than programming; Love

        which the ego tries to counteract its                  rather than fear; authentic power rather
        inherently disturbing state of feeling                 than compensation.
        vulnerable, insubstantial, unworthy

        or lacking. The first is through feeling               The most important point is that ALL
        morally superior, usually achieved by                  ego-driven behaviors come from the

        judging others and world events, or                    motivation to compensate for its inherent
        defending and promoting one’s beliefs or               feeling of lack. And until there is a seeing
        knowledge. This is attractive to those of us  through of the ego, ALL behaviors are

        who value being a good, ethical, smart or              ego-driven. It is only a matter of degree
        spiritual person. Another ego strategy is              and sophistication. This is not a bad thing.

        accumulating more – more power, money,  It is a stage of evolution from which we
        fame, approval, information, etc. There                are being strongly encouraged to evolve.
        is a thrill in getting more and a feeling              The way to evolve is to be AWARE of

        that more is never enough. The third                   our ego drives. If we become more aware
        strategy often used by the ego is deadness  without judgment, it is liberating. If we

        and distraction. This could take the form              judge our ego-driven behaviors as bad,
        of taking drugs or alcohol, bingeing on                that further feeds the ego.
        the internet and TV/videos, or simply

        being numb and unaware. A zombie is a                  2. Once I see my ego-driven behaviors,
        appropriate metaphor for this state. There  what can I do about it?

        are often combinations of the three types
        as well as others not indicated here.                  The clear seeing OF the conditioning
                                                               rather than experiencing life THROUGH

        All of these behaviors are attempts to feel            the distorted lens of the conditioning is
        okay inside through changing the outer                 inherently liberating because is comes

        world and other people. We are trying to               from beyond the ego-conditioning. The
        use the world to make us feel happy and                more we See, the more this fearless aspect
        whole. This is futile. The outer world is              of ourselves awakens. But because it is so

        okay when we are okay inside, not the                  simple, and because it is beyond the ego’s
        other way around. The near universal                   grasp, the ego will judge and dismiss it in

        human fear that something bad might                    order to save itself and retain its reign of
        happen is created by judgment, not the                 fear in our lives.
        outer event. There are no “bad” events

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